AM Best Associate Director Discusses Survey on Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprise Growth on Insurance Uncut Podcast
AM Best Associate Director Discusses Survey on Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprise Growth on Insurance Uncut Podcast
OLDWICK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Best’s Dawn Walker appears as a guest in an episode of the Insurance Uncut podcast, which highlights leading issues impacting the insurance industry, to discuss the state of the delegated underwriting authority enterprise (DUAE) segment and the credit rating agency’s recent survey of rated carriers on the DUAE segment’s growth potential.
During the episode, Walker, associate director, Industry Relations – DUAE, talks about the leading trends shaping the DUAE market and AM Best’s role in assessing DUAEs through its Best’s Performance Assessments. She also discusses how optimism around this market’s sustain growth is tied to the expanding lines of business being managed by managing general agents and other similar entities and carriers’ growing reliance on DUAEs to access niche markets. Walker joined AM Best in 2022 with an extensive background in risk management.
To listen to the episode, please go to Insurance Uncut Podcast: Delegated underwriting authority enterprises on Spotify or Insurance Uncut on Soundcloud.
Charl Cronje, a partner at financial, actuarial and business consultant Lane Clark & Peacock (LCP), and Jessica Snowball, senior consultant, LCP, host the podcast. For more information, please visit the Insurance Uncut Podcast home page.
To access AM Best’s survey report on the DUAE segment, please visit
AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company does business in over 100 countries with regional offices in London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For more information, visit
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Christopher Sharkey
Associate Director, Public Relations
+1 908 882 2310
Al Slavin
Senior Public Relations Specialist
+1 908 882 2318