60+59+58+57+56+years serving clients 13K+12K+11K+10K+9K+releases distributed each month 160+150+140+130+120+countries reached160+150+140+130+120+targeted distribution options

Press Release Distribution & Regulatory Disclosure Experts

Companies need their news to generate value. Business Wire’s extensive experience, industry knowledge, and superior media targeting allow our clients to share their press releases strategically and effectively. For over 60 years, media professionals have relied on Business Wire as a trusted source, resulting in valuable engagement and ROI for clients.
Reliable Service

You have news to share. No matter where you are in the world, we’re here to support you around the clock. Business Wire’s reliable customer success team and editorial experts help you deliver your news quickly and accurately.

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I’ve had a seamless experience getting my press releases out the door. The process is very user-friendly and if I need to talk to a representative, there is never a wait time.

Logo for Spotify, a Business Wire customer
Lauren Katzen
Investor Relations

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