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Crescent European Specialty Lending Announces Financing for VIA equity’s Strategic Partnership with Saarni Cloud

LONDON & LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Crescent Capital Group LP, a leading alternative credit investment firm, announced today that its European Specialty Lending strategy provided unitranche financing to support VIA equity’s strategic partnership with Saarni Cloud, a Finland-based Software as a Service (SaaS) provider for human capital management. VIA equity, a leading Northern European private equity firm, acquired a minority stake to become the lead investor, with Saarni’s existing investor...

3D Investment Partners Reminds Sapporo Shareholders to Vote “FOR” the Appointment of Paul Brough at Sapporo’s Upcoming AGM to Enhance Board Oversight

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd., the asset management company of 3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUND (collectively referred to as “3D”), today issued an open letter to shareholders of Sapporo Holdings Limited (“Sapporo” or the “Company”) (2501.T) encouraging them to vote “FOR” the appointment of 3D’s nominee for director as a member of the audit and supervisory committee Mr. Paul Brough at the Company’s 101st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “AGM”), scheduled to be he...


東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- 3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUNDの資産運用会社である3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd.(以下、3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd.および3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUNDのいずれか又は両社を総称して「3D」又は「当社」)は、本日、サッポロホールディングス株式会社(2501.T、以下「サッポロ」)の株主の皆様に対し、2025年3月28日(金)に開催予定の第101回定時株主総会(以下「本株主総会」)において、ポール・ブロフ氏(以下「ブロフ氏」)の(監査等委員である)取締役としての選任に「賛成」し、現任社外取締役である種橋牧夫氏の再任に「反対」するよう、呼びかける公開書簡を発表いたしました。 以下全文: 2025年3月24日 サッポロホールディングス株式会社株主の皆様、 サッポロは、今、その将来を不可逆的に決定付ける極めて重要な局面にあります。サッポロは、過去約20年間、繰り返される売上および利益目標の未達成、大型M&A...
- Partners with SB Finance to Provide Affordable Personal Loans for Filipinos Locally and Abroad

MANILA, Philippines--(BUSINESS WIRE) Partners with SB Finance to Provide Affordable Personal Loans for Filipinos Locally and Abroad...

Best’s Commentary: AI Model DeepSeek Could Improve Operating Efficiency Among China’s Insurers, Albeit with Risks

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The use of the artificial intelligence model DeepSeek among mainland China insurance companies has the potential to help small to medium-sized carriers improve operational efficiencies. Overall, according to its new commentary, AM Best views the use of DeepSeek as being credit neutral for China’s insurance industry over the short term. Several of China’s insurers have announced the deployment of DeepSeek for their operations. In its Best’s Commentary, “DeepSeek Could...

Kaname Capital Announces Updated Engagement Policy for Proto Corporation Following Extension of Tender Offer Period

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kaname Capital ("we" or "our firm") has consistently expressed opposition to the Management Buyout (MBO) of Proto Corporation ("Proto Corporation" or the "Company") led by its founder and Chairman, Mr. Yokoyama, citing concerns with the deal’s rationale, process, and price (see press releases dated February 19 and March 9). The tender offer period, initially set to end on March 21, has now been extended by 10 business days by the bidder, Forsight Inc. (the "Bidder"). We...

CORRECTING and REPLACING IntelliPoint Successfully Implements Oracle Federal Cloud Financials at the National Gallery of Art, Pioneering a New Era of Financial System Modernization in the Federal Government

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IntelliPoint Successfully Implements Oracle Federal Cloud Financials at the National Gallery of Art...


東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- カナメ・キャピタル(以下「弊社」)は、株式会社プロトコーポレーション(以下「プロトコーポレーション」または「当社」)が発表した創業者である横山会長によるMBOについてその大義、手続き、価格のいずれにおいても反対であることを表明して参りました(詳細は2月18日リリース及び3月8日リリース)。本件MBOは3月21日までが公開買付期間であったところ、同日公開買付者である株式会社フォーサイト(以下「本公開買付者」)は期間を10営業日延長することを発表しました。これは、当初の公開買付期間内に得られた応募数が下限に満たなかったであろうこと、すなわち本件MBOの価格が不十分であると考える株主が多数いたことを示しており、株主の皆様の賢明な判断によるものと弊社は理解しております。 本公開買付者は、弊社が「合理的な根拠なく本質問状の中で高額での潜在的な対抗提案者の存在を示唆し」たと述べていますが、弊社は、当社が積極的なマーケット・チェックを行うのであれば、対抗提案者が存在する可能性は高いと述べていたものです。公開買付者は、現時点で特段の...

Investcorp Credit Management BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release for Second Quarter and Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2024

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Investcorp Credit Management BDC, Inc. (NASDAQ:ICMB) (“ICMB” or “Company”) today announced that it will release its financial results for the second quarter and fiscal period ended December 31, 2024 on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, after the close of the financial markets. The Company will host an earnings conference call at 10:00 am (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 to review its financial results and conduct a question-and-answer session. All interested parties...

Banner Bank Named Among the 100 Best Banks in America for Ninth Consecutive Year

WALLA WALLA, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Forbes names Banner Bank one of the 100 Best Banks in America for the ninth consecutive year....