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Clearspeed Partners with 1st Central to Transform Its Insurance Claims Experience
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clearspeed, the leader in voice-based risk assessment technology, today announced a new partnership with 1st Central, one of the UK's fastest-growing insurance providers. The collaboration integrates Clearspeed's innovative voice-based risk assessment into 1st Central's claims processing workflow to accelerate the settlement of legitimate claims while also boosting fraud detection. 1st Central has implemented Clearspeed's technology across some of its motor claims pr...
Crescent European Specialty Lending Announces Financing for VIA equity’s Strategic Partnership with Saarni Cloud
LONDON & LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Crescent Capital Group LP, a leading alternative credit investment firm, announced today that its European Specialty Lending strategy provided unitranche financing to support VIA equity’s strategic partnership with Saarni Cloud, a Finland-based Software as a Service (SaaS) provider for human capital management. VIA equity, a leading Northern European private equity firm, acquired a minority stake to become the lead investor, with Saarni’s existing investor...
3D Investment Partners Reminds Sapporo Shareholders to Vote “FOR” the Appointment of Paul Brough at Sapporo’s Upcoming AGM to Enhance Board Oversight
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd., the asset management company of 3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUND (collectively referred to as “3D”), today issued an open letter to shareholders of Sapporo Holdings Limited (“Sapporo” or the “Company”) (2501.T) encouraging them to vote “FOR” the appointment of 3D’s nominee for director as a member of the audit and supervisory committee Mr. Paul Brough at the Company’s 101st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “AGM”), scheduled to be he...
東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- 3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUNDの資産運用会社である3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd.(以下、3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd.および3D OPPORTUNITY MASTER FUNDのいずれか又は両社を総称して「3D」又は「当社」)は、本日、サッポロホールディングス株式会社(2501.T、以下「サッポロ」)の株主の皆様に対し、2025年3月28日(金)に開催予定の第101回定時株主総会(以下「本株主総会」)において、ポール・ブロフ氏(以下「ブロフ氏」)の(監査等委員である)取締役としての選任に「賛成」し、現任社外取締役である種橋牧夫氏の再任に「反対」するよう、呼びかける公開書簡を発表いたしました。 以下全文: 2025年3月24日 サッポロホールディングス株式会社株主の皆様、 サッポロは、今、その将来を不可逆的に決定付ける極めて重要な局面にあります。サッポロは、過去約20年間、繰り返される売上および利益目標の未達成、大型M&A...
NatureAlpha exploite le pouvoir transformateur de l’IA pour lancer sa plateforme de gestion des risques naturels la plus complète– Geoverse 2.0
LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NatureAlpha, une entreprise fintech dynamique d’IA spécialisée dans les données et l’analyse des risques liés à la nature, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de Geoverse 2.0, sa plateforme d’analyse améliorée, conçue pour aider à transformer la façon dont les entreprises et les investisseurs mesurent les risques du monde naturel. L’évolution de Geoverse 2.0 répond à la demande du secteur financier, des entreprises et des décideurs en matière d’investissement, accablés...
Commentaire de Best : Les marchés de l’assurance et de la réassurance en Afrique de l’Ouest : éviter les écueils liés à l’incertitude face aux évolutions politiques
LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Le retrait du Niger, du Mali et du Burkina-Faso de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) est le tout dernier signe de l’instabilité politique régionale, mais l’impact direct sur les marchés de l’assurance et de la réassurance sera limité sur le court terme, d’après un nouveau commentaire d’AM Best. Dans un nouveau commentaire de Best, intitulé « Les marchés de l’assurance et de la réassurance en Afrique de l’Ouest : éviter les écueils liés...
NatureAlpha Exploits Transformative Power of AI to Launch Its Most Comprehensive Nature Risk Platform – Geoverse 2.0
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NatureAlpha, a dynamic AI fintech business for preeminent nature risk data and analysis, today announced the launch of Geoverse 2.0, its enhanced analytics platform designed to help transform the way companies and investors measure natural world risks. The evolution of Geoverse 2.0 responds to demand from the finance industry, companies and investment decision makers, burdened with the complexity of nature data and lack of clarity around regulatory disclosures. Geoverse...
布里斯班机场采用Cirium Sky Warehouse先进分析技术
伦敦--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- (美国商业资讯)-- 作为昆士兰的主要门户,布里斯班机场(BNE)与航空分析公司Cirium(睿思誉)合作,成为首个将数据驱动型云端平台Cirium Sky Warehouse整合到其现代化建设中的机场。 Cirium(睿思誉)的先进数据和分析技术将与布里斯班机场的业务系统无缝整合,支持增强运力规划、资源分配和运营分析。 Cirium(睿思誉)首席执行官Jeremy Bowen表示: "我们很高兴能为布里斯班机场的转型提供支持,帮助其彻底改变旅客体验,并满足旅客未来的旅行需求。Cirium Sky Warehouse整合Cirium(睿思誉)数据和分析系统,将助力机场加速数字化进程,从而提高决策制定和运营表现。我们的数据将成为提升布里斯班机场运营效率和改善旅客体验的关键资产。” 布里斯班机场航空执行总经理Ryan Both表示:“通过Cirium Sky Warehouse访问Cirium(睿思誉)航班计划数据实现了高级自动化,这标志着布里斯班机场数字化转型项目迈出了关键的一步。航班计划数据在制定和执行更精确的航班计划、规...
- Partners with SB Finance to Provide Affordable Personal Loans for Filipinos Locally and Abroad
MANILA, Philippines--(BUSINESS WIRE) Partners with SB Finance to Provide Affordable Personal Loans for Filipinos Locally and Abroad...
VulnCheck Named Startup Spotlight Competition Finalist at Black Hat Asia 2025
LEXINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VulnCheck today announced that it has been named a finalist for the first-ever Startup Spotlight Competition at Black Hat Asia 2025....