Bringing Innovative Biotech Data to a Global Audience

+21%+20%+19%+18%+17%overall website engagement+28%+27%+26%+25%+24%release views+30%+29%+28%+27%+26%multimedia views+48%+47%+46%+45%+44%traffic to report landing page
the problem

Fresh Approach with Innovative Report

BioTalent Canada generated a report with leading biotech associations to highlight the needs, opportunities, and challenges in Canada’s emerging biotech sectors. Featuring data on AI, digital health, and medical cannabis, they turned to Business Wire Interactive Media for a modern format that matched their innovative approach.
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woman working on desktop computer showing the logo for BioTalent, a Business Wire customer

The Results 

Compared to BioTalent Canada’s past five news releases, their interactive release had 28% more views, 30% more multimedia views, and 48% more clicks. Overall, they saw a 21% increase in website engagement.
Successfully Unveiling the Intangible

“One of our goals with this news release, which we achieved, was to get click throughs to our report’s landing page featuring our partners. This was an extremely valuable component of our partner program.”

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Logo for BioTalent, a Business Wire customer

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