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SLB Announces First-Quarter 2025 Results Conference Call
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SLB (NYSE: SLB) will hold a conference call on April 25, 2025 to discuss the results for the first quarter ending March 31, 2025. The conference call is scheduled to begin at 9:30 am US Eastern time and a press release regarding the results will be issued at 7:00 am US Eastern time. To access the conference call, listeners should contact the Conference Call Operator at +1 (833) 470-1428 within North America or +1 (404) 975-4839 outside of North America approximately 10...
Anaergia to Supply Anaerobic Digestion System to City of Fermo, Italy
TREVIGLIO, Italy & BURLINGTON, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Anaergia Inc. (“Anaergia”, the “Company”, “us”, or “our”) (TSX:ANRG) (OTCQX:ANRGF), through its subsidiary, Anaergia S.r.l., and its joint venture partner, Edil Alta S.r.l , a leading Italian construction company, have received a formal notice from the City of Fermo, Italy, to proceed with the construction of a waste treatment plant, including an new anaerobic digestion facility, for the city. This new facility will take in and treat more...
Aquarium of the Pacific President & CEO Dr. Peter Kareiva Speaks About the Benefits of Nature and Science During Legislative Hearing
LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aquarium of the Pacific president & CEO Dr. Peter Kareiva speaks about the benefits of nature and science during legislative hearing...
Coeur to Present at Mining Forum Europe
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Coeur Mining, Inc.’s (“Coeur” or the “Company”) (NYSE: CDE) Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Thomas S. Whelan, will present at Mining Forum Europe in Zurich, Switzerland on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at 11:20 a.m. Central European Time. Mining Forum Europe is an invitation-only investment conference. Presentation materials will be made available on the Company’s website at About Coeur Coeur Mining, Inc. is a U.S.-based, well-diversified, gr...
Tetra Tech Acquires European Management Consulting Firm Carron + Walsh
PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tetra Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEK), a leading provider of high-end consulting and engineering services in water, environment, and sustainable infrastructure, announced today that the Company has acquired Irish management consulting firm, Carron + Walsh. Carron + Walsh delivers project and cost management solutions for large-scale commercial, life sciences, residential and infrastructure programs across Europe from their headquarters in the Republic of Ireland. Ca...
ADM, Mitsubishi Corporation Sign Non-Binding MOU, Form Strategic Alliance
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ADM (NYSE: ADM) and Mitsubishi Corporation (“MC”) are pleased to announce that both companies have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding to form a strategic alliance to explore potential areas of future collaboration across the agriculture value chain. In recent years, the importance of secure and resilient food and agriculture supply chains has come into sharper focus, driven both by short-term dislocations as well as structural demand shifts powered by glo...
Kura Sushi Osaka Kansai Expo Store – ein Restaurant der nächsten Generation: Eröffnung am 13. April (Sonntag) in der Future Life Zone
OSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kura Sushi Inc. (Hauptsitz: Sakai-Stadt, Präfektur Osaka) – eine der weltweit populärsten Sushi-Ketten mit Umlaufband – hat die Eröffnung ihres bisher größten Kura Sushi-Restaurants mit starkem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit in der Future Life Zone der Osaka-Kansai Expo am Sonntag, 13. April 2025, bekannt gegeben. Der Kura Sushi Osaka Kansai Expo Store ist weltweit die größte Filiale dieser Art. Sie bietet 338 Sitzplätze – eine Rekordzahl in der Unternehmensgeschichte v...
下一代餐廳模式「Kura Sushi大阪關西世博會店」完工,將於4月13日(周日)在「未來生活區」開幕!
日本大阪--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 全球最受歡迎的回轉壽司連鎖店之一Kura Sushi Inc.(總部:大阪府堺市)宣布,將於2025年4月13日(周日)在大阪關西世博會的未來生活區(Future Life Zone)開張其有史以來規模最大的、高度注重永續發展的Kura Sushi餐廳。 Kura Sushi大阪關西世博會店是迄今為止建造的同類門市中規模最大者,擁有338個座位,創下Kura Sushi歷史上座位數之最,並且擁有約135米的最長回轉傳送帶。其外觀設計簡約,有讓人聯想到公司代表性倉庫的海鼠壁(namako walls),以及一個巨大的金槍魚握壽司形象,該形象展示于「新鮮先生抗菌壽司罩」(Antibacterial Sushi Cover Mr. Freshness)上,能有效阻隔空氣中的灰塵和病毒對壽司的污染。店內採用奢華的現代日式設計,木紋質感的桌子與靠背搭配榻榻米式座面,天花板上更飾以巨幅餐盤圖案的大膽視覺呈現。 外牆採用「無人工合成物質的灰泥」,這種灰泥是透過重複利用原本會被丟棄的33.6萬個貝殼,並使用從海藻中提取的膠水等成分製成...
下一代餐厅模式“Kura Sushi大阪关西世博会店”完工,将于4月13日(周日)在“未来生活区”开业!
日本大阪--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 全球最受欢迎的回转寿司连锁店之一Kura Sushi Inc.(总部:大阪府堺市)宣布,将于2025年4月13日(周日)在大阪关西世博会的未来生活区(Future Life Zone)开设其有史以来规模最大的、高度注重可持续发展的Kura Sushi餐厅。 Kura Sushi大阪关西世博会店是迄今为止建造的同类门店中规模最大者,拥有338个座位,创下Kura Sushi历史上座位数之最,并且拥有约135米的最长回转传送带。其外观设计简约,有让人联想到公司标志性仓库的海鼠壁(namako walls),以及一个巨大的金枪鱼握寿司形象,该形象展示于“新鲜先生抗菌寿司罩”(Antibacterial Sushi Cover Mr. Freshness)上,能有效阻隔空气中的灰尘和病毒对寿司的污染。店内采用奢华的现代日式设计,木纹质感的桌子与靠背搭配榻榻米式座面,天花板上更饰以巨幅餐盘图案的大胆视觉呈现。 外墙采用“无人工合成物质的灰泥”,这种灰泥是通过重复利用原本会被丢弃的33.6万个贝壳,并使用从海藻中提取的胶水等成分制...
Le modèle de restaurant de nouvelle génération « Kura Sushi Osaka Kansai Expo Store » est achevé et ouvrira ses portes dans la « Future Life Zone » le 13 avril (dimanche) !
OSAKA, Japon--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kura Sushi Inc. (siège social : Sakai City, préfecture d’Osaka), l’une des chaînes de sushis à tapis roulant les plus populaires au monde, a annoncé qu’elle va ouvrir son plus grand restaurant Kura Sushi, qui met l’accent sur le développement durable, dans la Future Life Zone de l’Osaka-Kansai Expo, le dimanche 13 avril 2025. La boutique Kura Sushi Osaka Kansai Expo est la plus grande boutique de ce type jamais construite, avec 338 places assises, le plus grand no...