32 Media Relations Tips to Maximize Your Coverage Opportunities
For the past 60+ years, Business Wire has worked in conjunction with media outlets, large and small, around the globe and has found that it's critical to engage with the media in a purposeful manner and on their terms. Reporters are looking for more authentic stories to tell and how you approach them will shape your success in telling that story.
Keep in mind that the following tips should be part of a larger media relations strategy. These 32 tips and best practices underline the importance of media relations in your PR strategy and give you practical ways to shape your communications with journalists to maximize your chances of media coverage.
Media Relations Basics
The first way to stand out from the crowd is to make sure you follow these six basic rules of engagement.
- Never distribute news to a mass list of reporters and journalists
- Get each reporter and media outlet name right
- Know what the reporter covers
- Know your audience; know the reporter’s audience
- Know the voice of the media outlet you are pitching
- Make your subject line/headline the most important part of the pitch
News Article Pitching Best Practices
Every reporter we spoke to offers the same best practices for pitching a news story. While following these steps will require media relation skills, actively doing these increases the likelihood of reporters using your news.
- Be detailed and concise
- Take the time to craft your pitch
- Answer the questions: What is the news? Why do they care?
- Connect the dots from your content to their audience in your pitch
- Put everything in the pitch
- Do not include attachments
- Include data and sources
- Include a link to your news release that contains all the factual data and downloadable multimedia
Tips for Writing Engaging News Content
The only way to secure earned media coverage is to create relevancy between your news and the audience of the journalist you are pitching. Consider these factors when creating relevancy.
- Be timely
- Understand what makes your industry tick
- Position your news to stand out in some way
- Write a complete headline/subject line that includes the “Why?”
- Make sure your news is relevant to the local market and audience you’re pitching
- Do not write from your own voice, think of the millions of perspectives reading the story
- Speak the language of your audience, translate content when needed
Best Ways to Use Multimedia
Almost every media outlet today requires multimedia before publishing a story. Without authentic imagery, there is no story to tell. Here is what reporters want.
- Skip marketing images, think about visuals that show the impact of your news
- Videos should show the process, not just the beauty shots
- B-roll allows video editors to shape their own story
- Video should not feature stock footage or include overlay text on videos
- Provide the ability to download or embed codes for social updates and multimedia
Tactical and Practical Media Relations Tips
Here are six tactical tips to always keep in mind during your media pitching process.
- Email reporters, don’t DM them through social channels
- Remember, reporters keep pitches for future use
- 8-10 AM is the best time to pitch local TV stations
- Never use Google Translate to localize news release content
- Evergreen content and SEO are part of the news process
- Reporters base success on the conversations the story generates