Newsroom | 802 results
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University of Redlands’ Johnston Center Hosts International Green Industry Hall of Fame Event and Green Future Forum
REDLANDS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF) announced nine new inductees as part of its official annual Induction Ceremony at the University of Redlands in Redlands, California. The event was held in conjunction with the Green Future Forum, a day of networking and co-learning where students and inductees co-facilitated explorations of the sustainability issues that matter most to the next generations. Co-produced by the University of Redlands’ Johns...
Dame Champions the Future of Sexual Health with Advocacy, Expansion, and Education
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dame, the brand pioneering sexual wellness, is taking a bold stand to protect and advance the future of women’s sexual health. With a commitment to education, advocacy, and accessibility, Dame launched the She’s Coming campaign, announced the acquisition of two wellness brands, and unveiled a clinical board to reinforce its mission. In a strategic move that further cements its leadership in the sexual wellness industry, Dame has acquired brands such as Emojibator whic...
Fundação Skoll anuncia os vencedores do Prémio Skoll 2025 para a Inovação Social
PALO ALTO, Califórnia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A Skoll Foundation tem o prazer de anunciar as cinco organizações vencedoras do Prêmio Skoll de Inovação Social de 2025. Este prestigiado prêmio de 2 milhões de dólares reconhece líderes e organizações excepcionais que impulsionam mudanças sociais transformadoras, promovendo um mundo mais sustentável, pacífico e próspero para todos. A turma de inovadores sociais de 2025 reúne empreendedores sociais, líderes de movimentos, articuladores de sistemas e coali...
La fondation Skoll annonce les lauréats de l'édition 2025 du Prix Skoll de l'innovation sociale
PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--La fondation Skoll a le plaisir d'annoncer les cinq organisations qui recevront le prix Skoll de l'innovation sociale 2025. Ce prix prestigieux de 2 millions de dollars met en lumière les dirigeants et les organisations extraordinaires qui font bouger les choses sur le plan social afin de créer un monde plus durable, plus pacifique et plus prospère pour tous. La classe d'innovateurs sociaux de 2025 comprend des entrepreneurs sociaux, des initiateurs de mouvem...
Skoll Foundation Announces Winners of the 2025 Skoll Award for Social Innovation
PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Skoll Foundation is pleased to announce the five organizations that will receive the 2025 Skoll Award for Social Innovation. The prestigious $2 million award shines a light on the extraordinary leaders and organizations advancing transformational social change to create a more sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous world for all. The 2025 class of social innovators includes social entrepreneurs, movement builders, system orchestrators, and global coalition...
サンフランシスコ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- ビジネスワイヤは、デザインを一新したウェブサイトBusinessWire.comの立ち上げを発表しました。この最先端のニュース配信サイトは、プレスリリースのハイパフォーマンス・ハブとして機能し、ニュース配信者やメディア関係者に対してより優れたユーザー体験を提供します。 刷新されたウェブサイトは、信頼性が高く顧客重視のソリューションを提供するというビジネスワイヤの継続的取り組みを反映しています。モダンなデザインと使いやすさの向上を特徴とするこのサイトは、世界中のニュース消費者との関わりを促進し、ニュースの検索・共有方法を効率化するよう設計されています。 ビジネスワイヤのCEO、ジェフ・スコットは「新しいウェブサイトは、当社のイノベーションと卓越性への取り組みを象徴するものです。このリニューアルにより、よりインパクトのあるプレスリリースを提供できるようになり、可視性、エンゲージメント、成功を促進するツールをクライアントに提供するという当社のミッションがさらに強化されます」と述べています。 主な特徴とメリット...
Business Wire lance le nouveau site, un site amélioré pour découvrir les derniers flash info
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Business Wire a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement de son nouveau site Web, Ce site d'actualité de pointe sert de centre opérationnel performant pour les communiqués de presse et offre une expérience utilisateur améliorée pour les diffuseurs d'informations et les professionnels des médias. La refonte du site Web reflète l'engagement continu de Business Wire à fournir des solutions fiables et orientées client. Grâce à un design moderne et une con...
Business Wire Launches New, An Enhanced Destination for Breaking News Discovery
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Business Wire unveils its redesigned website,, a high-performance hub for breaking news....
AHF’s Bold Billboard Campaign Stresses Syphilis is Curable
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AHF’s Bold Billboard Campaign Stresses Syphilis is Curable...
USA TODAY Announces 2025 Women of the Year in Celebration of Women’s History Month
NEW YORK, NY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--USA TODAY, part of Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI), announced today the 2025 Women of the Year. Each honoree demonstrates the power and resilience of women who break barriers, uplift their communities, drive industries and beyond. Representing a diverse group from fields including business, athletics, entertainment, broadcast media and more, these trailblazers forge the way for future generations. In honor of Women’s History Month throughout the month of March, USA...