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Oldcastle APG Acquires Mulch & Soil Division of H&H General Excavating

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oldcastle APG Acquires Mulch & Soil Division of H&H General Excavating...

Fabletics’ AI-Powered CRM Strategy with Iterable Delivers 2.5x Higher Customer Value

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fabletics, the world’s most fashionable, high-performance active and lifestyle wear brand, has partnered with Iterable, an AI-powered communication platform, to elevate its customer engagement strategy. By integrating Iterable’s AI-powered automation into its customer relationship management (CRM) approach, Fabletics has enhanced personalization, optimized messaging, and streamlined communication across multiple channels, enabling the brand t...

Perfect Moment Wholesale Bookings up 30% for New Autumn/Winter 2025 Luxury Ski & Outerwear Collection

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Perfect Moment Ltd. (NYSE American: PMNT), the high-performance, luxury skiwear and lifestyle brand that fuses technical excellence with fashion-led designs, has booked $12.7 million in wholesale preorders for its upcoming Autumn/Winter (AW) 2025 collection. The level of orders already exceeds all of the wholesale orders the company generated for last year’s AW collection by 30% and represents the largest wholesale book in the company’s history (excluding collaborations...

Riassunto: Merz Aesthetics sponsorizza un simposio che evidenzia le tendenze di mercato con un approccio stile portafoglio al Congresso Mondiale di Medicina Estetica e Anti-Aging 2025 (AMWC)

FRANCOFORTE SUL MENO, Germania--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, la più grande azienda mondiale dedicata alla medicina estetica, è pronta a presentare nuovi dati dal suo portafoglio di prodotti e a offrire informazioni sulle ultime tendenze nel settore al 2025 Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress (Congresso Mondiale di Medicina Estetica e Anti-Aging 2025), che si svolgerà nel Principato di Monaco. “Grazie al profilo scientifico dei nostri prodotti, il nostro portafoglio continua a...

Samenvatting: Merz Aesthetics sponsort symposium waarin markttrends met een benadering van de portfolio worden belicht tijdens het 2025 Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC)

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Duitsland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, ’s werelds grootste bedrijf gespecialiseerd in medische esthetica, zal nieuwe gegevens onthullen over haar productenportfolio en inzichten bieden in de nieuwste trends in de sector tijdens het 2025 Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress dat doorgaat in Monaco, Frankrijk. “Dankzij het wetenschappelijke profiel van onze producten, blijft onze portfolio beantwoorden aan de evoluerende verwachtingen van artsen,” verklaart D...

Sponsoren-Symposium von Merz Aesthetics beleuchtet Markttrends mit Portfolio-Ansatz auf dem Weltkongress für ästhetische und Anti-Aging-Medizin 2025 (AMWC)

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Deutschland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, das weltweit größte Unternehmen für medizinische Ästhetik, wird auf dem Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress 2025 in Monaco, Frankreich, neue Daten zu seinem Produktportfolio vorstellen und Einblicke in die neuesten Trends der Branche geben. „Dank des wissenschaftlichen Profils unserer Produkte erfüllt unser Portfolio weiterhin die sich wandelnden Erwartungen der Ärzte“, sagte Dr. Kerstin Olsson, Leiterin der medizini...

Merz Aesthetics sponsorise un symposium mettant en lumière les tendances du marché avec une approche de portefeuille lors du 2025 Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC)

FRANCFORT-SUR-LE-MAIN, Allemagne--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, la plus grande entreprise mondiale spécialisée dans l’esthétique médicale, s’apprête à dévoiler de nouvelles données sur son portefeuille de produits et à offrir un aperçu des dernières tendances du secteur lors du 2025 Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress, qui se tient à Monaco. « Grâce au profil scientifique de nos produits, notre portefeuille continue de répondre aux attentes en constante évolution des médecins »...

Resumen: Merz Aesthetics auspicia un simposio que resalta las dinámicas del mercado con un enfoque de su cartera en el Congreso Mundial de Medicina Estética y Antienvejecimiento (AMWC) 2025

FRÁNCFORT DEL MENO, Alemania--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, la mayor empresa de medicina estética del mundo, presentará nuevos datos sobre su oferta de productos y compartirá perspectivas sobre las últimas tendencias del sector en el Congreso Mundial de Medicina Estética y Antienvejecimiento de 2025, que tendrá lugar en Mónaco (Francia). «Gracias al perfil científico de nuestros productos, nuestra cartera continúa respondiendo a las cambiantes expectativas de los profesionales sanitarios»,...

Merz Aesthetics Sponsors Symposium Highlighting Market Trends With a Portfolio Approach at the 2025 Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC)

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merz Aesthetics, the world’s largest dedicated medical aesthetics business, is set to unveil new data on its product portfolio and offer insights into the latest trends in the industry at the 2025 Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress held in Monaco, France. “Thanks to the scientific profile of our products, our portfolio continues to meet evolving expectations of physicians,” said Dr. Kerstin Olsson, Head of Medical Affairs in EMEA, “from...

Hudson’s Bay Announces a Revised Liquidation Timeline

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hudson’s Bay Company ULC (Hudson’s Bay or the Company), the Canadian entity comprising the retailer Hudson’s Bay and, today announced an update to its Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) proceedings following a series of court-approved extensions. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has granted Hudson’s Bay permission to proceed with a revised liquidation plan, which will temporarily exclude six stores from the initial list. This interim step gives...