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New Research Underscores Need for Agile and Proactive Supply Chains, Yet Fewer Than 10% of Companies Have Achieved “Near-Full” Automation of Key Supply Chain Functions

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Inspectorio announced findings of its “State of Supply Chain Report 2025,” exploring the inflection points facing brands, retailers and suppliers....

Amer Sports, Inc. Announces Filing of Annual Report on Form 20-F

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Amer Sports, Inc. (“Amer Sports”), a global group of iconic sports and outdoor brands, announced today that its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024 has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Annual Report on Form 20-F can be accessed on the Company's investor relations website at Amer Sports - Investor Relations and on the SEC’s website at The Company’s security holders may request a hard copy of the...

Fabletics’ AI-Powered CRM Strategy with Iterable Delivers 2.5x Higher Customer Value

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fabletics, the world’s most fashionable, high-performance active and lifestyle wear brand, has partnered with Iterable, an AI-powered communication platform, to elevate its customer engagement strategy. By integrating Iterable’s AI-powered automation into its customer relationship management (CRM) approach, Fabletics has enhanced personalization, optimized messaging, and streamlined communication across multiple channels, enabling the brand t...

Draper James Announces ‘The Decade Tour’ to Celebrate Its 10th Anniversary

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Draper James, the beloved lifestyle brand founded by Reese Witherspoon, announces ‘The Decade Tour,’ a 10-city celebration marking its milestone 10th anniversary. Kicking off in Charleston, this special tour will bring the brand’s signature Southern charm to life through curated pop-up experiences at exclusive hotels across the country. The tour will culminate in a grand finale celebration in Reese’s hometown of Nashville, a city where no girls' trip is comple...

The Buckle, Inc. Reports Quarterly Dividend and Announces the Appointment of Justin D. Ellison as Vice President of Information Security

KEARNEY, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Buckle, Inc. Reports Quarterly Dividend and Announces the Appointment of Justin D. Ellison as Vice President of Information Security...

Comprehensive Report Unveils the Lucrative Business Landscape of the NBA for the 2024-25 Season -

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "The Business of the NBA 2024-25" report has been added to's offering. The National Basketball Association's (NBA) economic impact continues to showcase robust growth, with a detailed report recently disclosing the financial framework of the storied league for the 2024-25 season. Illustrating an intricate network of media rights, sponsorship deals, merchandise partnerships, and social media influence, this report offers an exhaustive analysis...

NIKE, Inc. Reports Fiscal 2025 Third Quarter Results

BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NIKE, Inc. (NYSE:NKE) today reported fiscal 2025 financial results for its third quarter ended February 28, 2025. Third quarter revenues were $11.3 billion, down 9 percent on a reported basis compared to the prior year and down 7 percent on a currency-neutral basis* NIKE Direct revenues were $4.7 billion, down 12 percent on a reported basis and down 10 percent on a currency-neutral basis Wholesale revenues were $6.2 billion, down 7 percent on a reported basis a...

プーマがスポーツゲームを再定義:「Go Wild」キャンペーンで大胆な戦略とブランド・ポジショニングを発表

ヘルツォーゲンアウラハ、ドイツ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- グローバル・スポーツ企業のプーマは、ブランドのアイデンティティの進化を象徴し、ランニングの頂点を目指して生活を再構築するランナーたちを描いた史上最大のグローバル・ブランド・キャンペーン「Go Wild」の開始を発表しました。このキャンペーンでは個人を称え、アマチュアからプロのアスリートまで、すべての人々にインスピレーションを与え、真の自分自身を解き放ち、内に秘めた偉大さを発見することを促します。 プーマは75年にわたってスポーツと文化を絶え間なく前進させ、スポーツブランドの一流企業として、自己表現と喜びを体現する手段としてスポーツを推進してきました。「Go Wild」の立ち上げを通して、プーマはスポーツを通じて真の自分自身を解き放つ力を称賛し、自分らしくあることの勇気を示し、真の自分自身を解放し、ひいては偉大さを解き放つことを示しています。 「プーマは、常に自分らしくあること、そして成功への独自の道を歩むことでスポーツ界で偉業を成し遂げたアスリートたちのホームであり続けてきました」と、プーマ...

Legendary Century 21 NYC Is Live on Jesta I.S.’s Merchandising ERP, the Foundation of Its Unparalleled Retail Management Suite

MONTREAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Century 21 NYC is live on Jesta I.S.'s cloud Merchandising ERP as well as its Mobile Store Inventory Management, Financials and Analytics solutions....

PUMA重新定義運動:透過「Go Wild」活動推出大膽策略和品牌定位

德國黑佐根奧拉赫--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 全球運動公司PUMA宣布推出其迄今為止規模最大的全球品牌活動——「Go Wild」,代表其品牌形象的一次演進,展示了跑步者為追逐跑步帶來的快感而重新安排自己的生活。該活動讚頌個人精神,激勵著每一個人——無論是業餘愛好者還是職業運動員——釋放真實的自我,發現自身內在的卓越之處。 75年來,PUMA一直不懈地推動著運動和文化的發展,身為首屈一指的運動品牌,始終將運動視為一種展現自我表達和享受快樂的方式加以推廣。透過推出「Go Wild」活動,PUMA宣導透過運動展現真實自我的力量,顯示這關乎做自己的勇氣,釋放本真的自我,進而激發出自身的卓越潛能。 PUMA執行長Arne Freundt表示:「PUMA一直以來都是那些透過做真實的自己、走自己的成功之路而在運動領域取得卓越成就的運動員的家園。從過去到現在,像Tommie Smith、Usain Bolt、Breanna Stewart或Neymar這樣的代表性人物,都是PUMA獨特品牌基因的傑出代言人:我們的運動員個性鮮明,樂於展現自我、享受快樂。透過我們的第二個品牌...