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Machine Tools, Metalworking & Metallurgy

Generational Capital Markets Advises M.B. McKee Co., Inc. in its Sale to Motion Industries, Inc.

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Generational Capital Markets (GCM), a member of FINRA/SIPC and a leading mergers and acquisitions advisor for privately held businesses, is pleased to announce the sale of its client, M.B. McKee Co., to Motion Industries, Inc. The acquisition closed on January 31, 2025. Located in Lubbock, Texas, M. B. McKee Co., Inc. is a family-owned distributor of industrial equipment and supplies, proudly serving customers since 1943. Specializing in mechanical bearings, belts, chai...

IHI a développé et testé avec succès la première pompe à vide à gaz au monde pour une pompe à vide hybride à contrôle de flux laminaire

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IHI Corporation (TOKYO : 7013) est fier d’annoncer le développement réussi et les premiers essais mondiaux d’une pompe à vide de pointe conçue pour les systèmes de contrôle du flux laminaire hybride (HLFC). La nouvelle pompe à vide, équipée d’un moteur à palier à gaz, est un élément essentiel des systèmes HLFC, qui sont des technologies avancées de contrôle aérodynamique visant à réduire la traînée des avions dans l’air à basse pression (où la densité de l’air est d’envi...

IHI Successfully Developed and Tested the World's First Gas-Bearing Vacuum Pump for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control Vacuum Pump

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IHI Corporation (TOKYO:7013) is proud to announce the successful development and world-first testing of a cutting-edge vacuum pump designed for hybrid laminar flow control (HLFC) systems. The newly developed vacuum pump, equipped with a gas-bearing motor, is a critical component in enabling HLFC systems, which are advanced aerodynamic control technologies with eyes toward reducing aircraft drag in low-pressure air (where air density is about one-tenth of that at ground l...

McGrath First Quarter Earnings and Conference Call Scheduled for April 24, 2025

LIVERMORE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--McGrath RentCorp (“McGrath” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: MGRC), a leading business-to-business rental company in North America, today announced plans to release financial results for its first quarter ending March 31, 2025, after the close of regular market trading on Thursday, April 24, 2025. McGrath RentCorp will host a conference call at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (2:00 p.m. Pacific Time) on April 24, 2025, to discuss the results. The conference call may be acce...

Graphite Market for Metallurgical Applications Report 2025-2035, with Profiles of SGL Carbon, GrafTech, Tokai Carbon, Nippon Carbon, HEG, Resonac, SEC Carbon, EPM, BTR New Material & Asbury Carbons -

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Synthetic and Natural Graphite Market for Metallurgical Applications - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Application, Product, and Country Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2025-2035" report has been added to's offering. The Global Synthetic and Natural Graphite for Metallurgical Applications Market is experiencing significant growth due to rising demand for high-performance materials in steelmaking, foundries, and energy storage...

I-care versterkt wereldwijd leiderschap met overname van SDT International

BRUSSEL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--I-care kondigt met trots een belangrijke stap voorwaarts aan in zijn strategische ontwikkeling met de overname van SDT International, een lang gevestigd Belgisch bedrijf en pionier op het gebied van ultrasonisch voorspellend onderhoud. Deze fusie, "Harmonising Waves" genaamd, combineert twee aanvullende vakgebieden met elkaar om een gemeenschappelijke ambitie te dienen: het opnieuw definiëren van wereldwijde normen op het gebied van voorspellend onderhoud. Deze overnam...

I-care consolide son leadership mondial avec l’acquisition de SDT International

BRUXELLES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--I-care est fière d’annoncer une étape majeure dans son développement stratégique avec l’acquisition de SDT International, une société belge de renom et pionnière dans le domaine de la maintenance prédictive par ultrasons. Cette fusion, placée sous le nom de code « Harmonising Waves », réunit deux expertises complémentaires au service d’une ambition commune : redéfinir les normes mondiales de la maintenance prédictive. Cette acquisition consolide la position de la Bel...

SureWerx® Acquires Reliance Fall Protection®

ELGIN, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SureWerx®, a leading global provider of safety, tool & equipment products, announced today that it has acquired Reliance Fall Protection, LLC. Terms were not disclosed. Based in Houston, Texas and Arvada, Colorado, Reliance Fall Protection® began by designing horizontal lifeline systems that allow the reduction of fall height requirements without increased end-loadings. Since its inception in 2000, Reliance Fall Protection® has become a leader in Fall Protectio...

I-care Strengthens Global Leadership With Acquisition of SDT International

BRUSSELS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--I-care is proud to announce a major step forward in its strategic development with the acquisition of SDT International, a long-established Belgian company and pioneer in the field of ultrasonic predictive maintenance. This merger, called 'Harmonising Waves', brings together two complementary areas of expertise to serve a common ambition: to redefine global standards in predictive maintenance. This acquisition strengthens Belgium's position as the epicentre of innovat...

U. S. Steel Issues Updated Letter to Stockholders

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--United States Steel Corporation ("U. S. Steel" or the “Company”) (NYSE: X) today issued a revised letter to stockholders, updating and correcting an error inadvertently included in the letter previously issued by the Company on March 24, 2025 (the “Initial Letter”). The Initial Letter included a sentence making allegations regarding a proxy contest previously run by Fred DiSanto, including incorrectly stating that this conduct resulted in a claim by the Securities a...