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NatureAlpha exploite le pouvoir transformateur de l’IA pour lancer sa plateforme de gestion des risques naturels la plus complète– Geoverse 2.0
LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NatureAlpha, une entreprise fintech dynamique d’IA spécialisée dans les données et l’analyse des risques liés à la nature, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de Geoverse 2.0, sa plateforme d’analyse améliorée, conçue pour aider à transformer la façon dont les entreprises et les investisseurs mesurent les risques du monde naturel. L’évolution de Geoverse 2.0 répond à la demande du secteur financier, des entreprises et des décideurs en matière d’investissement, accablés...
NatureAlpha Exploits Transformative Power of AI to Launch Its Most Comprehensive Nature Risk Platform – Geoverse 2.0
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NatureAlpha, a dynamic AI fintech business for preeminent nature risk data and analysis, today announced the launch of Geoverse 2.0, its enhanced analytics platform designed to help transform the way companies and investors measure natural world risks. The evolution of Geoverse 2.0 responds to demand from the finance industry, companies and investment decision makers, burdened with the complexity of nature data and lack of clarity around regulatory disclosures. Geoverse...
布里斯班机场采用Cirium Sky Warehouse先进分析技术
伦敦--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- (美国商业资讯)-- 作为昆士兰的主要门户,布里斯班机场(BNE)与航空分析公司Cirium(睿思誉)合作,成为首个将数据驱动型云端平台Cirium Sky Warehouse整合到其现代化建设中的机场。 Cirium(睿思誉)的先进数据和分析技术将与布里斯班机场的业务系统无缝整合,支持增强运力规划、资源分配和运营分析。 Cirium(睿思誉)首席执行官Jeremy Bowen表示: "我们很高兴能为布里斯班机场的转型提供支持,帮助其彻底改变旅客体验,并满足旅客未来的旅行需求。Cirium Sky Warehouse整合Cirium(睿思誉)数据和分析系统,将助力机场加速数字化进程,从而提高决策制定和运营表现。我们的数据将成为提升布里斯班机场运营效率和改善旅客体验的关键资产。” 布里斯班机场航空执行总经理Ryan Both表示:“通过Cirium Sky Warehouse访问Cirium(睿思誉)航班计划数据实现了高级自动化,这标志着布里斯班机场数字化转型项目迈出了关键的一步。航班计划数据在制定和执行更精确的航班计划、规...
Chime Introduces Instant Loans
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Leading consumer financial technology company Chime® announced today the launch of Instant Loans—a product that provides instant access to up to $500 in funds with a fixed interest rate that is lower than what’s typically observed in the industry. Like all of Chime’s services, Instant Loans is easy to use and transparent, and unlike some other loan products, there is no credit check to qualify. Instead, Chime leverages its proprietary technology platform and rich...
GivEnergy and Intertrust Partner to Deploy Secure, Interoperable Batteries
NEWCASTLE, England & BERKELEY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GivEnergy, a leading provider of battery storage solutions, today announced a strategic partnership with Intertrust to deploy secure, interoperable battery systems globally. As part of the partnership, the company joined the Trusted Energy Interoperability Alliance (TEIA) to advance this open-standards initiative. “As distributed energy resources become increasingly essential for our energy future, the need for secure connectivity and inte...
AI Becoming Essential to HCM, ISG Says
STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AI is becoming central to HCM and employee engagement, with two-thirds of enterprises expected to need AI-enabled capabilities by 2027, ISG says....
Pega Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend for Second Quarter of 2025
WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pegasystems Inc. (NASDAQ: PEGA), The Enterprise Transformation Company™, today announced a quarterly cash dividend of $0.03 per share, maintaining the company’s current dividend program. The Q2 2025 dividend will be paid on April 15, 2025, to shareholders of record as of April 1, 2025. About Pega Pega is The Enterprise Transformation CompanyTM that helps organizations Build for Change® with enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation. Many of the world’s m...
Cloudflare wird von Branchenforschungsunternehmen als Leader im Bereich „Web Application Firewall Solutions“ anerkannt
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), das führende Cloud-Unternehmen für Konnektivität, wurde von Forrester Research, Inc. als Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Web Application Firewall Solutions, Q1 Report 2025 ausgezeichnet. Cloudflares Web Application Firewall (WAF) erzielte die höchstmögliche Punktzahl für 15 von 22 Kriterien, darunter Innovation, Erkennungsmodelle, Produktsicherheit und Partnerökosystem. „Seit unserer Gründung ist die WAF von Cloudflare ein zentrales A...
VIQ Solutions Announces Conclusion of Strategic Review Process and Board Change
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VIQ Solutions Inc. (“VIQ”, “VIQ Solutions” or the “Company”) (TSX: VQS), a global provider of secure, AI-driven, digital voice and video capture technology and transcription services, today announces the conclusion of the Company’s strategic review process (the “Strategic Review”). The Strategic Review was first announced on February 3, 2025, and was overseen by a special committee (the “Special Committee”) of the board of directors of the Company (the “Bo...
Veracode enregistre une année record avec une croissance significative et une expansion stratégique
BURLINGTON, Massachusetts--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Veracode, le chef de file mondial de la gestion des risques liés aux applications, annonce aujourd'hui avoir franchi un nouveau jalon en 2024, sous la forme d'une innovation significative des produits, d'acquisitions stratégiques, d'une expansion de la clientèle et de la reconnaissance de l'industrie. La clientèle de l’entreprise comprend des entreprises des secteurs de la technologie, de la finance, de l’assurance, du secteur public et de la santé, y...