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The Sandbox Unveils Alpha Season 5 Featuring Iconic Brands Jurassic World, Teletubbies, Deepak Chopra, Atari, Attack on Titan, Hellboy, and More

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Sandbox, the leading gaming and social platform and a subsidiary of Animoca Brands, is launching Alpha Season 5 on March 31, kicking off a six-week season of new games, social experiences, and gamified worlds to explore, featuring immersive experiences in partnership with beloved brands and curated community-created content. Alpha Season 5 is headlined by the Jurassic World collaboration with Universal Products & Experiences and Amblin Entertainment featuri...

Blockchain Futurist Conference Announces 2025 Return to Toronto and U.S. Debut in Florida

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blockchain Futurist Conference, Canada’s largest and longest-running Web3 event, owned by Emerald, will return to Toronto on May 13, 2025, at the historic Old Toronto Stock Exchange, as part of Canada Crypto Week. Propelled by its growing impact and success in the Web3 space, Blockchain Futurist Conference will also make its highly anticipated U.S. debut on November 5-6, 2025, at the Guitar Hotel at the Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida, located in the Greater Miami area...

BitGo’s Strategic Partnership with Republic Expands Access to Private Equity Investments for All Investors

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BitGo Trust Company, Inc., a leading infrastructure provider of digital asset solutions, has partnered with Republic, the market-leading private investing platform for alternative assets, to break down barriers to institutional-grade investments, making them accessible to all levels of investors, including retail and non-accredited participants. BitGo’s innovative services are strengthening Republic’s blockchain powered infrastructure to support secure and seamless in...

ICE and Circle Sign MOU to Explore Product Innovation Based on Circle’s USDC and USYC Digital Assets

ATLANTA & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, and Circle Internet Group, Inc., a global financial technology company and stablecoin market leader, today announced an agreement whereby ICE plans to explore using Circle’s stablecoin USDC, as well as tokenized money market offering US Yield Coin (USYC), to develop new products and solutions for its customers. “ICE’s reputation and global network across markets offe...

Northern Trust Appointed as Global Custodian and Cash Manager by Haycen

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) announced today that it has been selected by Haycen Bermuda Ltd. (Haycen) – a trade finance digital payments provider, with operations in the UK and Europe – to deliver global custody and money market fund services. Haycen delivers wholesale stablecoin-based solutions for non-bank lenders in global trade. Haycen offers global trade participants increased availability to USD in a digital format alongside an instant settlement capability, red...

Trust Wallet Reaches 200 Million Downloads Milestone

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Trust Wallet has surpassed 200 million total downloads, marking a game-changing milestone in the industry....


ニューヨーク--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領に触発を受けた革新的なDeFiプロトコルおよびガバナンス・プラットフォームを開発するワールド・リバティ・ファイナンシャル(WLFI)は、米ドル(USD)と1対1で交換可能なステーブルコイン「USD1」の導入を計画していることを発表しました。 WLFIのUSD1は、短期の米国政府証券、米ドル預金、その他の現金同等物によって100%裏付けられます。USD1トークンは、当初はイーサリアム(ETH)およびバイナンス・スマートチェーン(BSC)のブロックチェーン上で発行され、将来的には他のプロトコルへの対応も予定されています。各トークンは1米ドルの価値を維持することを目的としており、その完全な裏付けとなる準備資産ポートフォリオは、第三者の会計事務所によって定期的に監査されます。 WLFIの共同創業者であるザック・ウィトコフ氏は、次のように述べました。「USD1によって、アルゴリズム型や匿名の暗号資産プロジェクトでは実現できないもの、すなわち従来型金融の中でも最も信頼されている、機関による信用...

Riassunto: World Liberty Financial si prepara al lancio di USD1, la stablecoin pronta per le istituzioni

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--World Liberty Financial Inc. ("WLFI"), sviluppatore di un protocollo DeFi e di una piattaforma di governance all'avanguardia ispirata dal Presidente Donald J. Trump, ha annunciato oggi che prevede di lanciare USD1, una stablecoin riscattabile secondo un rapporto 1:1 con il dollaro statunitense (USD). La stablecoin USD1 di WLFI sarà supportata al 100% da buoni del Tesoro statunitensi a breve termine, depositi in dollari USA e altre attività equivalenti liquide. Inizial...

World Liberty Financial計畫推出針對機構的穩定幣USD1

紐約--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- World Liberty Financial Inc. (“WLFI”)是受Donald J. Trump總統啟發而建立的開創性去中心化金融(DeFi)協議和治理平台的開發商。該公司今日宣布計畫推出穩定幣USD1,該穩定幣可按1:1的比例兌換美元(USD)。 WLFI的USD1將由美國短期國債、美元存款和其他現金等價物提供100%擔保。最初,USD1代幣將在以太坊(ETH)和幣安智慧鏈(BSC)區塊鏈上鑄造,未來計畫擴充到其他協議。每個代幣均錨定1美元的價值,並由第三方會計事務所定期稽核的儲備資產組合提供全額擔保。 WLFI共同創辦人Zach Witkoff表示:「USD1提供了演算法型和匿名加密專案無法提供的價值——在傳統金融界最受尊敬機構的信譽和保障支援下獲得DeFi的力量。主權投資人和大型機構可以放心地將我們推出的數位美元穩定幣納入其策略,用於順暢、安全的跨境交易。」 USD1的儲備將由全球最大的獨立合格代管機構以及數位資產安全、代管和流動性領域的領導者BitGo代管。BitGo為多個國際司法管轄區的數千家機構客戶...

World Liberty Financial计划推出面向机构的稳定币USD1

纽约--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- World Liberty Financial Inc. (“WLFI”)是受Donald J. Trump总统启发而创建的开创性去中心化金融(DeFi)协议和治理平台的开发商。该公司今日宣布计划推出稳定币USD1,该稳定币可按1:1的比例兑换美元(USD)。 WLFI的USD1将由美国短期国债、美元存款和其他现金等价物提供100%担保。最初,USD1代币将在以太坊(ETH)和币安智能链(BSC)区块链上铸造,未来计划扩展到其他协议。每个代币均锚定1美元的价值,并由第三方会计事务所定期审计的储备资产组合提供全额担保。 WLFI联合创始人Zach Witkoff表示:“USD1提供了算法型和匿名加密项目无法提供的价值——在传统金融界最受尊敬机构的信誉和保障支持下获得DeFi的力量。主权投资者和大型机构可以放心地将我们推出的数字美元稳定币纳入其战略,用于无缝、安全的跨境交易。” USD1的储备将由全球最大的独立合格托管机构以及数字资产安全、托管和流动性领域的领导者BitGo托管。BitGo为多个国际司法管辖区的数千家机构客户提...