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Riassunto: European DataWarehouse insignita per la quinta volta del premio Data Provider of the Year
LONDRA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--European DataWarehouse (EDW) è lieta di annunciare di essere stata nominata Data Provider of the Year in occasione della cerimonia dei GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards 2025 a Londra. La cermionia di premiazione desidera offrire un riconoscimento agli straordinari risultati raggiunti nel settore della finanza strutturata in Europa e i vincitori vengono selezionati con una votazione popolare da parte dei partecipanti del settore. Come illustrato da GlobalCapit...
Samenvatting: European DataWarehouse voor de vijfde keer uitgeroepen tot Data Provider of the Year
LONDEN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--European DataWarehouse (EDW) kondigt verheugd aan dat het is uitgeroepen tot Data Provider of the Year bij de 2023 GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards in Londen. De prijsuitreiking erkent de uitstekende prestaties op het gebied van Europese gestructureerde financiering en de winnaars worden gekozen via een stemming onder de deelnemers uit de sector. Zoals GlobalCapital het omschrijft, viert het programma "de allerbesten in de markt, zoals gekozen door de markt"...
European DataWarehouse zum fünften Mal als Datenanbieter des Jahres ausgezeichnet
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Das European DataWarehouse (EDW) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass es bei den GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards 2025 in London zum „Data Provider of the Year“ (Datenanbieter des Jahres) gekürt wurde.. Die Preisverleihung würdigt die herausragenden Leistungen im Bereich der strukturierten Finanzierungen in Europa, und die Gewinner werden durch eine öffentliche Abstimmung unter den Teilnehmern der Branche ausgewählt. Wie von GlobalCapital definiert, feiert das...
European DataWarehouse est élu Data Provider of the Year pour la cinquième fois
LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--European DataWarehouse (EDW) a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’il a été nommé Data Provider of the Year lors des 2025 GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards à Londres. La cérémonie de remise des prix récompense les accomplissements exceptionnels dans le domaine de la finance structurée européenne et les lauréats sont sélectionnés par un vote populaire des participants de l’industrie. Comme le définit GlobalCapital, le programme récompense « les meilleurs du marché, choi...
Resumen: European DataWarehouse es galardonada como Proveedor de datos del año por quinta vez
LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--European DataWarehouse (EDW) se complace en anunciar que ha sido nombrada Proveedor de Datos del Año en los European Securitization Awards 2025 de GlobalCapital en Londres. La ceremonia de entrega reconoce los sobresalientes logros en finanzas estructuradas europeas y los ganadores se eligen por votación popular entre los actores parte del sector. Según GlobalCapital, el programa identifica a «los mejores del mercado, elegidos por el mercado». Esta es la quinta vez que...
European DataWarehouse is Awarded Data Provider of the Year for the Fifth Time
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--European DataWarehouse (EDW) is pleased to announce it was named Data Provider of the Year at the 2025 GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards in London. The award ceremony recognises the outstanding achievements in European structured finance and winners are selected by popular vote from industry participants. As defined by GlobalCapital, the program celebrates “the very best in the market, as chosen by the market”. This is the fifth time that EDW has won the pres...
Discover Financial Services Announces First Quarter 2025 Earnings Release on April 23, 2025, and Conference Call on April 24, 2025
RIVERWOODS, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS) plans to report its First quarter 2025 results after the market closes on Wednesday, April 23, 2025. The earnings release will be available through Discover's Investor Relations website at A conference call to discuss the firm's results and related matters will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025, at 7:00 a.m. Central Time and will be limited to prepared remarks. The live audio web...
Blockchain Futurist Conference Announces 2025 Return to Toronto and U.S. Debut in Florida
TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blockchain Futurist Conference, Canada’s largest and longest-running Web3 event, owned by Emerald, will return to Toronto on May 13, 2025, at the historic Old Toronto Stock Exchange, as part of Canada Crypto Week. Propelled by its growing impact and success in the Web3 space, Blockchain Futurist Conference will also make its highly anticipated U.S. debut on November 5-6, 2025, at the Guitar Hotel at the Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida, located in the Greater Miami area...
Nacha Releases Top 50 Financial Institution ACH Originators and Receivers for 2024; Total ACH Payment Volume in 2024 Exceeded 40 Billion
RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nacha has released its Top 50 rankings of financial institution originators and receivers of ACH payments for 2024. Among originating institutions, the Top 50 were responsible for 29.7 billion ACH payments in 2024, up 7.4% from a year earlier. They accounted for 93.8% of the ACH Network’s total commercial payments volume. The Top 50 receiving institutions reported nearly 22 billion ACH payments last year, an increase of 10.4% from 2023. These institutions accounted...
Viamericas Launches Open Payment Network in the Philippines
CORAL GABLES, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Viamericas, a leading provider of remittance and international money transfer services, has launched its open payment network in the Philippines....