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Hyper Photonix to Showcase LPO Solutions at OFC 2025

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--OFC25 — Hyper Photonix, a member of the LPO MSA (Linear Pluggable Optics Multi-Source Agreement) organization, announced today it will be highlighting its innovative LPO product line at the upcoming OFC 2025 conference taking place April 1-3 in San Francisco. This showcase aligns with the LPO MSA’s recently announced 100 Gb/s per lane Linear Pluggable Optics Single-Mode Optical Data Transmission specification targeting up to 800 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity. As...

Adtran launches industry’s first auto-tunable 50G C-band plug for 5G fronthaul

HUNTSVILLE, Ala.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Adtran today launched the industry’s first full C-band tunable 50Gbit/s SFP56 DWDM PAM4 pluggable transceiver. The AccessWave50™ is specifically designed to help mobile network operators expand 5G fronthaul capacity while reducing operational costs and energy consumption. By replacing two 25Gbit/s transceivers with a single 50Gbit/s unit, it enhances network efficiency, lowers power dissipation to less than 3W and simplifies deployment. The transceiver support...

Blackline Safety Announces Vice President Appointments to Drive Continued Expansion at Scale

CALGARY, Canada--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blackline Safety Corp. (TSX: BLN), a global leader in connected safety technology, today announced the promotion of three senior leaders as the company continues to expand and drive operational efficiency. Andrea Lamond, P.Eng., has been promoted to Vice President, Growth Operations. Since 2016, Andrea has been a core member of the growth team, contributing to a 1,600% increase in customer revenue. In her new role, Andrea will continue to play a pivotal part in...

Blue Stream Fiber Expands Presence in Cape Coral

CAPE CORAL, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blue Stream Fiber, Florida's fastest-growing fiber-optic telecommunications provider, announced its partnership with the community of Sandoval in Cape Coral, FL, to bring over 1,425 residents advanced broadband, television, and voice products over 100% gigabit-capable networks. “Our services are a vital part of residents’ everyday lives, which is why we prioritize building lasting partnerships with HOAs to deliver real solutions,” said Gavin Keirans, President...

NICE Actimize 2025 EMEA Fraud Survey Uncovers the Top Financial Fraud Types That FIs Must Prioritize

HOBOKEN, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NICE Actimize, a NICE (NASDAQ: NICE) business, has released "The 2025 Fraud Survey: EMEA Financial Fraud Trends and Investment Priorities” report which identifies the fraud trends landscape across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Addressing the challenges and drivers of change in the region, the report includes a deep dive into current changes in regulations and policy, as well as insights into investments and prioritization in new technologies. The rep...

HyperLight推出採用TFLN Chiplet ™ 平台、具備破紀錄低Vπ值的110GHz強度調變器

麻薩諸塞州劍橋市--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- HyperLight(TFLN Chiplet™平台開發商)今日宣布推出革命性「110 GHz低Vπ強度調變器」,配備業界標準光纖與微波連接器。此業界首創裝置大幅提升電光調變效能,能滿足多項尖端技術的關鍵應用需求,包括:400 Gbps單通道測試、100 GHz以上光電二極體校準、高頻無線射頻光纖系統(RoF)及其他先進技術領域。 憑藉HyperLight獨有的TFLN Chiplet™平台,這款革命性調製器實現了前所未有的1.4 V超低半波電壓(Vπ),並具備超過110 GHz的帶寬效能,樹立了高帶寬調製的新標竿。該設備結合超低Vπ、極低插入損耗,以及涵蓋光學O、C和L波段的廣泛波長範圍,可與200 GBaud以上的任意波形產生器無縫整合。其卓越性能大幅簡化高速測試設置,減少甚至消除對外部射頻放大的需求。 自推出以來,HyperLight的封裝調製器已得到業界領先機構廣泛採用。憑藉卓越的技術實力與市場領導地位,HyperLight成為全球光電解決方案領導企業Thorlabs值得信賴的薄膜鈮酸鋰(TFLN)封裝...

HyperLight利用其TFLN Chiplet ™ 平台推出创下Vπ新低纪录的110GHz强度调制器

马萨诸塞州坎布里奇--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- TFLN Chiplet™平台的创造者HyperLight今天宣布推出具有开创意义的110 GHz低Vπ强度调制器。这款业界首创的器件采用行业标准的光纤和微波连接器,显著提高了关键应用的电光调制能力,包括每通道400 Gbps测试、100 GHz+光电二极管校准、高频光纤无线电系统以及其他各种尖端技术。 依托HyperLight已获专利的TFLN Chiplet™平台,这款革命性的调制器实现了前所未有仅1.4 V的半波电压(Vπ),带宽性能超过110GHz,树立了高带宽调制的新标准。该器件将超低Vπ、最小插入损耗和广泛的波长覆盖范围相结合,涵盖光学O、C和L波段,可与200 GBaud以上的任意波形发生器无缝集成。由于减少或消除了对外部射频放大的需求,其性能显著简化了高速测试设置。 HyperLight的封装调制器自上市以来已获行业头部客户广泛采用。HyperLight始终展现出卓越的技术能力和市场领导力,并作为核心供应商,为全球光子学解决方案龙头企业Thorlabs提供薄膜铌酸锂(TFLN)封装调制器。Th...

HyperLight、TFLN Chiplet ™ プラットフォームを活用し、記録的な低Vπを実現した110GHz強度変調器を発売

マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- TFLN Chiplet™プラットフォームの開発元であるHyperLightは、業界標準の光ファイバーおよびマイクロ波コネクターを搭載した画期的な110 GHz低Vπ強度変調器の発売を発表しました。この業界初のデバイスは、400 Gbps/レーンでのテスト、100 GHz超のフォトダイオード・キャリブレーション、高周波光ファイバー無線システム、さらにはその他の最先端技術など、重要なアプリケーションにおける光電気変調能力を大幅に向上させます。 HyperLightの独自の技術であるTFLN Chiplet™プラットフォームを活用したこの画期的な変調器は、110 GHzを超える帯域幅性能で、前例のない半波長電圧(Vπ)1.4Vを達成し、高帯域幅変調の新たな基準を打ち立てました。超低Vπと最小挿入損失、さらにO、C、Lバンドの光学波長を幅広くカバーする性能を兼ね備えたこのデバイスは、200 GBaud以上の任意波形発生器とシームレスに統合されます。その性能により、外部RF増幅器の必要性が大幅に削減...

HyperLight presenta modulador de intensidad de 110GHz con un Vπ bajo en niveles récord, aprovechando su plataforma TFLN Chiplet ™

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HyperLight, creador de la plataforma TFLN Chiplet™, anunció la presentación de su innovador modulador de intensidad de 110 GHz Low Vπ, con conectores de fibra óptica y microondas estándar de la industria. Este dispositivo es pionero en el sector y mejora notablemente las capacidades de modulación electroóptica para las aplicaciones críticas, en particular, las pruebas de 400 Gbps por carril, calibración de fotodiodos a más de 100 GHz, sistemas de radi...

Riassunto: HyperLight lancia un modulatore di intensità a 110GHz, con valore Vπ ultraridotto, basato sulla sua piattaforma TFLN Chiplet™

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HyperLight, creatore della piattaforma TFLN Chiplet™, oggi annuncia il lancio del suo rivoluzionario modulatore di intensità a 110GHz con valore Vπ ridotto, dotato di connettori per fibra ottica e microonde standard di settore. Con questa soluzione totalmente innovativa migliorano nettamente le capacità di modulazione elettro-ottica delle applicazioni critiche, tra cui test da 400 Gbps per corsia, calibrazione di fotodiodi da 100 GHz+, sistemi radio su...