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E2open Named a Leader in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Transportation Management Systems for Third Consecutive Year
DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--E2open Parent Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ETWO), the connected supply chain SaaS platform with the largest multi-enterprise network, today announced that e2open has been positioned by Gartner as a Leader for the third consecutive year in the 2025 Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems1. The evaluation was based on the company’s overall Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. Magic Quadrant research “gives enterprise technology shoppers an unbiased assessm...
Former Compaq CEO Michael Capellas Joins Altana as Chairman of the Board
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Former Compaq CEO Michael Capellas Joins Altana as Chairman of the Board...
Platform Science Partners with MapUp to Revolutionize Toll Management for Fleets
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Platform Science, the leading edge application platform for transportation, today announced a strategic partnership with MapUp, a leading provider of software-defined fuel and toll solutions. MapUp's suite of toll management products, including TollGuru, TollTally, and TollMatch, are now integrated with Platform Science's advanced telematics capabilities, offering a comprehensive solution for fleet operators seeking to optimize fuel and toll-related expenses and enha...
WNS Wins Five 2025 AI Excellence Awards
NEW YORK & LONDON & MUMBAI, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WNS today announced that it has won five awards at the 2025 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards presented by Business Intelligence Group....
New Fortress Energy Announces Sale of Jamaica Assets & Operations to Excelerate Energy
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) (“NFE”) announced today that it has finalized a transaction with Excelerate Energy, Inc. (NYSE: EE) (“Excelerate”) to sell its assets and operations in Jamaica for $1.055 billion. Proceeds from the transaction will be used to reduce NFE’s corporate debt and for general corporate purposes. This transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2025 and marks a key step in NFE’s strategy to optimize its asset portfolio and...
Pat Gelsinger Joins Playground Global as General Partner
PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Playground Global, a leading venture capital firm focused on early-stage deep tech, today announced that Pat Gelsinger is joining the firm as General Partner. A visionary leader in computing and semiconductor innovation, Gelsinger brings more than 45 years of experience driving technological advancements, most recently as CEO of Intel and previously as CEO of VMware. At Playground, Gelsinger will invest alongside fellow General Partners Peter Barrett, Jory Be...
UPS stellt wegweisenden UPS® Global Checkout vor: Keine überraschenden Einfuhrabgaben mehr
ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UPS (NYSE:UPS) gab heute den Start von UPS Global Checkout bekannt, eines spannenden neuen Dienstes, mit dem Verbraucher auf der ganzen Welt noch einfacher online bei internationalen Anbietern einkaufen können. Bisher trafen internationale Sendungen häufig mit einer unschönen Überraschung ein – einer weiteren Rechnung für offene Importkosten. UPS Global Checkout löst dieses Problem, indem der Betrag, den Online-Käufer an Abgaben, Gebühren und Steuern zahlen müssen, vor...
UPS revela el revolucionario UPS® Global Checkout: basta de sorpresas con los aranceles de importación
ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UPS (NYSE:UPS) anunció hoy el lanzamiento de UPS Global Checkout, un impactante nuevo servicio que hace aún más fácil para los consumidores de todo el mundo comprar en línea a transportistas en cualquier lugar del planeta. Hasta ahora, las compras internacionales solían llegar con una sorpresa poco agradable: una factura adicional por costos de importación impagos. UPS Global Checkout resuelve ese problema al garantizar por adelantado el importe que los compradores en...
UPS推出改變遊戲規則的UPS® Global Checkout:跨境購物再無意外進口費用
亞特蘭大--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- UPS (NYSE:UPS)今日宣布推出UPS Global Checkout,這是一項令人振奮的新服務,讓世界各地的消費者能更加輕鬆地從各國商家進行跨境網購。在此之前,國際購物的商品送達時常常會帶來一個令人不快的意外——一張未付進口費用的額外帳單。UPS Global Checkout解決了這一問題,它預先確定線上顧客需支付的關稅和稅費金額,消除了收貨時出現意外費用的煩惱。 UPS是唯一一家提供國際運輸到岸成本保障解決方案的全球綜合運輸商,該方案順暢整合到其運輸技術中,改變了購物體驗,並實現了成本的完全透明化。這項服務近乎即時更新,能夠根據政策變化、國際稅法、關稅和關稅稅率進行調整,有助於避免意外成本,提供無憂配送體驗。該服務目前涵蓋43個出貨國及全球200多個目的地,透過簡化國際運輸流程,協助各種規模的企業實現全球業務成長。 UPS執行副總裁兼國際業務、醫療保健和供應鏈解決方案總裁Kate Gutmann表示:「有了UPS Global Checkout,我們讓全球跨境購物變得像在實體店購物一樣輕鬆。現在,線上顧客...
UPS推出改变游戏规则的UPS® Global Checkout:跨境购物再无意外进口费用
亚特兰大--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- UPS (NYSE:UPS)今日宣布推出UPS Global Checkout,这是一项令人振奋的新服务,让世界各地的消费者能更加轻松地从各国商家进行跨境网购。在此之前,国际购物的商品送达时常常会带来一个令人不快的意外——一张未付进口费用的额外账单。UPS Global Checkout解决了这一问题,它预先确定在线购物者需支付的关税和税费金额,消除了收货时出现意外费用的烦恼。 UPS是唯一一家提供国际运输到岸成本保障解决方案的全球综合运输商,该方案无缝集成到其运输技术中,改变了购物体验,并实现了成本的完全透明化。这项服务近乎实时更新,能够根据政策变化、国际税法、关税和关税税率进行调整,有助于避免意外成本,提供无忧配送体验。该服务目前覆盖43个发货国及全球200多个目的地,通过简化国际运输流程,帮助各种规模的企业实现全球业务增长。 UPS执行副总裁兼国际业务、医疗保健和供应链解决方案总裁Kate Gutmann表示:“有了UPS Global Checkout,我们让全球范围内的跨境购物变得像在实体店购物一样轻松。现在...