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UL Solutions启用扩建的中国实验室以满足日益增长的无线射频和互联产品测试需求

伊利诺伊州诺思布鲁克--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 应用安全科学领域的全球领导者UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS)今日宣布正式启用位于中国东莞的扩建松山湖物联网实验室。这一举措彰显了公司致力于支持制造商应对复杂的互联产品和无线射频设备测试及市场准入的要求。 这座占地3.6万平方英尺的新场地将取代之前容量较小的场地,其中设有电磁兼容(EMC)测试暗室和屏蔽室,显著提升了UL Solutions在中国的测试能力和服务范围。新实验室提供的EMC测试将评估产品在多种设备间造成无电磁干扰或不受其影响下正常工作的能力,测试对象涵盖家用电器及高功率工业设备。新增的EMC测试暗室和屏蔽室显著提升了UL Solutions处理高功率、大电流产品测试的能力,特别是针对大型装置,以及采用最新的无线射频技术的产品。 UL Solutions全球区域高级副总裁Todd Denison表示,“在当今高度互联的世界中,随着各种设备和科技快速增长,产品测试成为验证这些设备安全性和可靠性的基础要求。对松山湖物联网实验室的投资进一步强化了我们帮助客户证明其产品符合中国及全球市场安...

Riassunto: SIMO, Acer e MediaTek estendono la disponibilità di Acer TravelMate P4 14 a otto nuovi mercati

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIMO, azienda leader in soluzioni di connettività innovative, in collaborazione con Acer e MediaTek, è orgogliosa di annunciare l'espansione a otto nuovi mercati internazionali di Acer TravelMate P4 14 (TMP414-53-G2), un PC Always Connected (ACPC) con tecnologia vSIM integrata. In quanto parte della sua espansione globale, Acer TravelMate P4 14 è ora disponibile in Spagna, Francia, Germania, Regno Unito, Polonia, Italia, Irlanda e Svizzera, ed è prevista un'ulter...

Resumen: SIMO, Acer y MediaTek amplían la disponibilidad del ordenador Acer TravelMate P4 14 a ocho nuevos mercados

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIMO, una empresa líder en soluciones innovadoras de conectividad, en colaboración con Acer y MediaTek tiene el placer de anunciar la expansión de Acer TravelMate P4 14 (TMP414-53-G2), un PC Always Connected (ACPC) con tecnología vSIM integrada a ocho nuevos mercados internacionales. Como parte de su expansión global, el ordenador Acer TravelMate P4 14 ahora está disponible en España, Francia, Alemania, el Reino Unido, Polonia, Italia, Irlanda y Suiza; y prevén a...

SIMO, Acer und MediaTek expandieren Acer TravelMate P4 14 in acht neue Märkte

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIMO, ein führender Anbieter innovativer Konnektivitätslösungen, verkündet stolz die Expansion des Acer TravelMate P4 14 (TMP414-53-G2), einem Always Connected PC (ACPC) mit integrierter vSIM-Technologie, in acht neue internationale Märkte. Im Rahmen der globalen Expansion, die in Kooperation mit Acer und MediaTek erfolgt, ist das Acer TravelMate P4 14 jetzt in Spanien, Frankreich, Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Polen, Italien, Irland und Schweden erhäl...

SIMO, Acer et MediaTek élargissent la disponibilité de l'Acer TravelMate P4 14 sur huit nouveaux marchés

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIMO, leader en solutions de connectivité innovantes, est fier d'annoncer, en collaboration avec Acer et MediaTek, la mise sur le marché de l'Acer TravelMate P4 14 (TMP414-53-G2), un ACPC (Always Connected PC) doté d'une technologie vSIM intégrée, sur huit nouveaux marchés mondiaux. Le TravelMate P4 14 est désormais disponible en Espagne, en France, en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Pologne, en Italie, en Irlande et en Suisse dans le cadre de son déploiement à l'i...

UL Solutions Unveils Expanded Laboratory in China to Meet Growing Demand for Wireless and Connected Product Testing

NORTHBROOK, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS), a global leader in applied safety science, today announced the opening of its expanded Songshan Lake IoT Laboratory in Dongguan, China, underscoring the company’s commitment to supporting manufacturers in navigating the complexities of connected product and wireless device testing and market access. The new 36,000-square-foot facility, which replaces a nearby smaller facility, includes EMC chambers and significantly expands UL So...

Samenvatting: SIMO, Acer en MediaTek breiden de beschikbaarheid van Acer TravelMate P4 14 naar acht nieuwe markten uit

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIMO, een leider op gebied van innovatieve oplossingen voor connectiviteit, kondigt in samenwerking met Acer en MediaTek trots de uitbreiding aan van de Acer TravelMate P4 14 (TMP414-53-G2), een Always Connected PC (ACPC) met geïntegreerde vSIM-technologie, naar acht nieuwe internationale markten. In het kader van deze mondiale uitbreiding is de Acer TravelMate P4 14 nu in Spanje, Frankrijk, Duitsland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Polen, Italië, Ierland en Zwitserlan...

AV Awarded Major Contract to Deliver Advanced Uncrewed Ground Vehicles to the German Federal Armed Forces

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AV Awarded Major Contract to Deliver Advanced Uncrewed Ground Vehicles to the German Federal Armed Forces...

Zebra Technologies and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Collaborate to Create Safety and Traceability Solutions

LINCOLNSHIRE, Ill. & DARMSTADT, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Zebra Technologies and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Collaborate to Create Safety and Traceability Solutions....

Nubis and Samtec Collaborate on New Co-Packaged Platform that Enables a 6.4T Common Connector for Optics and Copper

NEW PROVIDENCE, N.J. & NEW ALBANY, Ind.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nubis Communications, a leader in high-density optical interconnect solutions for AI networks, and Samtec, the service leader in the connector industry, will exhibit their joint copper and optical solution at the OFC 2025 Exhibition in Samtec Booth #5863 and Nubis Booth #3524. The demonstration includes Nubis 200G per lane Silicon Photonics IC (Puma) and Samtec Si-Fly® HD interconnects, including high-density 224 Gbps PAM4 co-packaged an...