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Public Relations/Investor Relations

Volkswagen Group cooperates with Valeo and Mobileye to enhance driver assistance in future MQB vehicles

WOLFSBURG, Germany & JERUSALEM & PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Volkswagen Group will collaborate with Valeo and Mobileye on surround-sensing advanced driver assist....

Tigo Energy欢迎Delta Networks成为快速关断技术的最新被许可方

加州坎贝尔--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 智能太阳能与能源软件解决方案领先供应商Tigo Energy, Inc.(NASDAQ: TYGO)(以下简称“Tigo”)今日宣布,全球电力与热能管理解决方案提供商Delta Networks已获得Tigo快速关断技术授权,并将应用于其快速关断系列产品。根据该协议,Delta获准使用与快速关断相关的多项Tigo专利技术。 作为快速关断技术与模块级电力电子(MLPE)领域的领先企业,Tigo拥有150余项已授权及申请中的专利,积极向其他太阳能设备制造商进行专利授权,并已在多起专利纠纷中胜诉。Tigo快速关断技术符合UL 1741(分布式能源逆变器、变流器、控制器及互联系统设备安全标准)、IEC 63257以及美国国家电气规范(NEC)的快速关断要求。全球范围内已有数百万套Tigo MLPE产品投入运营,为客户提供严格监控、优化且安全的太阳能技术,从而保护太阳能关键基础设施,在可再生能源系统全生命周期提供稳定投资回报。 Tigo董事长兼首席执行官Zvi Alon表示,“我们很高兴看到Delta加入具有前瞻思维的企业行列...

Tigo Energy Welcomes Delta Networks as Latest Rapid Shutdown Technology Licensee

CAMPBELL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tigo Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: TYGO) (“Tigo”), a leading provider of intelligent solar and energy software solutions, today announced that Delta Networks, a global provider of power and thermal management solutions, has licensed Tigo rapid shutdown technology for its rapid shutdown products. Under the agreement, Delta products are authorized to use technologies described in various Tigo patents related to rapid shutdown. Tigo is a leader in rapid shutdown technolo...

Alison Engel Joins Spire Global as Chief Financial Officer

VIENNA, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Spire Global, Inc. (NYSE: SPIR) (“Spire” or “the Company”), a global provider of space-based data, analytics and space services, has appointed Alison (“Ali”) Engel as its new Chief Financial Officer, effective April 1, 2025. Ms. Engel is a seasoned public company executive with nearly two decades of experience as CFO. Most recently, she served as the CFO of LeaseAccelerator, Inc., a software as a service company, from 2023 to 2024. Prior to that, she was the CFO an...

MERGE Welcomes Chris Esposito as Chief Financial Officer to Propel Future Growth

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MERGE announces Chris Esposito as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO)....

American Marketing Association San Diego Sandie Awards Call for Entries Open Through April 1

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AMA San Diego opens call for entries for Sandie Awards, the prestigious marketing awards program recognizing the best marketing work in San Diego....

Brunner Acquires Rakuten Advertising’s Performance Solutions Business

PITTSBURGH & ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Brunner, a leading independent, integrated marketing agency, announced today its acquisition of Rakuten Advertising’s Performance Solutions group, which includes its paid search and programmatic planning and buying teams. This strategic move aims to enhance Brunner’s vision for growth and innovation, strengthening the agency’s already robust media capabilities and unlocking greater opportunities to serve clients at scale. “We are thrilled to welcome the ta...

Redfin Reports Gen Z and Millennial Homeownership Rates Flatlined in 2024 as Housing Costs Soared

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ: RDFN) — Young Americans are losing their momentum when it comes to homeownership, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. Just over one-quarter (26.1%) of Gen Zers owned their home in 2024, essentially flat from 2023 (26.3%) and 2022 (26.2%). Before that, the Gen Z homeownership rate had increased each year since Gen Zers started aging into potential homeownership in 2017 (except 2022, when it stayed fl...

William Mills Agency Publishes New Bankers as Buyers™ Research Highlight & Expert Panel Report

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--William Mills Agency, the nation’s leading fintech public relations and marketing firm, has published its first Bankers as Buyers™ Research Highlight & Expert Panel. The first of several Bankers as Buyers formatted reports, this paper condenses relevant research into a concise, insightful summary augmented by expert commentary from recognized leaders in the industry. This inaugural research highlight draws from the Conference of State Bank Supervisors’ (CSBS) 2024...

Klick Health、シンガポールのWard6社を買収

シンガポール&トロント・カナダ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- 世界最大の独立系ヘルスケア マーケティング エージェンシーであるKlick Healthは、シンガポールのWard6社の事業を買収したことを今日発表しました。今回の買収により、当社は医療従事者(HCP)向けマーケティング、および医療関連コミュニケーションの卓越した実績で知られるシンガポール最大の独立系ライフサイエンス エージェンシーをさらに拡大することになります。また、この取り組みは、Klick Healthのアジア太平洋地域(APAC)におけるリーダーシップと顧客ポートフォリオを強化し、数々の受賞歴を誇る当社の継続的な拡大と成長を裏付けるものとなります。 「私たちは、世界最大級で総合的な独立系ヘルスケア マーケティング エージェンシーであり、昨年、すべてのヘルスケア マーケティング エージェンシーの中で最多受賞歴を誇る我が社にシンガポールの新しいクリックスターズ(Klicksters)の皆様をお迎えできることを誇りに思います」と、Klick Healthアジア太平洋地域担当のマネージング...