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UNITE HERE Local 25: Henrico County Residents Should Get to Decide on Controversial Roseshire Gaming Parlor

RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UNITE HERE Local 25 issued the following statement on Governor Youngkin’s veto of the clause in the state budget that would have given Henrico residents a choice about whether to move forward with the controversial Churchill Downs Roseshire Gaming Parlor: Governor Youngkin’s veto takes away the right Henrico County residents to determine whether they will have HHR slot machines in their community. Local communities should have a voice in how gaming expands in the...

CUPE: Canada's Flight Attendants Push Parties to Pledge End of Unpaid Work If Elected

OTTAWA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CUPE's Airline Division, representing 18,500 flight attendants across Canada, is making its federal election pitch, calling on parties to pledge now that they will introduce legislation to ban unpaid work in the airline sector if elected. Party leaders have been invited to sign the union's pledge to end unpaid work for flight attendants, by reintroducing Bill C-415 - originally introduced by NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo - in the next Parliament. The bill would ensure...

Les agent(e)s de bord du Canada appellent les partis à s’engager à mettre fin au travail non payé, selon le SCFP

OTTAWA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--À l’occasion de la campagne électorale, la Division du transport aérien du SCFP, qui représente 18 500 agent(e)s de bord au Canada, appelle les partis à s’engager dès maintenant à réintroduire et à soutenir le projet de loi interdisant le travail non payé dans le secteur du transport aérien s’ils sont élus. Les chefs de partis ont été invités à signer l’engagement du syndicat pour mettre fin au travail non payé des agent(e)s de bord, en réintroduisant, lors de...

Raj Uppal elected President of CUPE Alberta

EDMONTON, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Health care worker Raj Uppal has been elected President of CUPE Alberta. The forty- one-year-old mother of two was selected on Friday as the new leader of the 40,000-member strong organization, defeating incumbent Rory Gill. Uppal appears to be the first woman of colour to lead a major union in Alberta. Uppal has been the President of CUPE 41 for six years, representing 1,400 members at Grey Nuns and Edmonton General Hospitals. During her time as Local Presid...

Nova Scotia School Support Staff Vote to Ratify Tentative Agreement

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--School support staff across Nova Scotia have voted to accept their tentative agreements, averting potential province-wide job action. The eight CUPE locals coordinated negotiations of their different collective agreements, and their unity and solidarity throughout almost a year of bargaining secured important gains for workers in this sector. “Our approach to bargaining was ‘all of us or none of us’,” said Nelson Scott, Chair of the Nova Scotia School Boar...

CEIR Releases Q4 2024 Index Results

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) announced today that the U.S. business-to-business (B2B) exhibition industry continues to rebound, recording strong improvement in the fourth quarter of 2024. Tempered performance for completed events – especially in exhibition attendance – set back the Q3 2024 Index value to 89.3 after strong performance in the first two quarters of the year.1 In Q4, the stronger performance of exhibitor participation and Real Revenues...

Kellie Bock Joins Intact Technology as Chief People Officer

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Announcing Executive leadership addition...

CORRECTING and REPLACING CUPE Releases Summaries of Education Settlements

EDMONTON, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In the "CUPE 3550 (Edmonton Public Schools)" section, the Jun 1, 2023 percentage should be 1.25% (instead of 1.75%); and the Sept 1, 2027 rate changes should read: $1.10/hr or 3% (whichever is higher) (instead of $1.25/hr or 3% (whichever is higher)). The updated release reads: CUPE RELEASES SUMMARIES OF EDUCATION SETTLEMENTS The Canadian Union of Public Employees released summaries of the nine settled and ratified agreements in the education support workers’...

CORRECTING and REPLACING Final Group of Striking Education Workers Vote for Settlement

CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Second paragraph, first sentence of release should read: CUPE 5040 members at the Foothills School Division voted 68% to accept their settlement (instead of CUPE 5040 members at the Parkland School Division voted 68% to accept their settlement). The updated release reads: FINAL GROUP OF STRIKING EDUCATION WORKERS VOTE FOR SETTLEMENT The last of nine groups of striking education workers voted to accept a settlement. CUPE 5040 members at the Foothills School Div...

Pepperdine’s School of Public Policy, Beacon Economics to Publish Research Series on California Economic Policy

MALIBU, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy (SPP) has a history of promoting “viewpoint diversity,” which encourages thoughtful and productive civil discourse. As an extension of this commitment, the school is launching a series of research projects titled Alternative Viewpoints on California Policy in partnership with the respected California-based economic research firm Beacon Economics LLC. Through this collaboration, Beacon Economics’ team and SPP academ...