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Human Resources

Rimini Street führt Rimini Manage™ für Workday ein

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), ein globaler Anbieter von End-to-End-Support- und Innovationslösungen für Unternehmenssoftware und der führende Drittanbieter von Support für Oracle-, SAP- und VMware-Software, gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen nun ein Workday Application Management Services (AMS)-Partner ist und seine Rimini Manage™ for Workday-Services Rimini Manage™ for Workday-Services mit sofortiger Verfügbarkeit eingeführt hat. Nahtloser Workday-Betrieb...

Rimini Street lanza Rimini Manage™ para Workday

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), proveedor mundial de soluciones integrales de soporte e innovación de software empresarial y el principal proveedor de soporte de terceros para software Oracle, SAP y VMware, acaba de anunciar que ahora es socio de Workday Application Management Services (AMS) y ha lanzado sus servicios Rimini Manage™ para Workday con disponibilidad inmediata. Operaciones de Workday sin dificultades garantizan mejores resultados empresariales Rimin...

Rimini Street wprowadza Rimini Manage™ dla Workday

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), dostawca kompleksowego wsparcia w zakresie oprogramowania firmowego oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązań o zasięgu globalnym, wiodący podmiot zewnętrzny świadczący usługi wsparcia dla oprogramowania Oracle, SAP i VMware, poinformował dzisiaj o nawiązaniu partnerstwa w zakresie usług zarządzania aplikacją Workday (AMS) oraz wprowadzeniu pakietu usług Rimini Manage™ dla Workday, dostępnych do bezpośredniego wykorzystania. Płynne procesy w Wo...

Rimini Street推出Rimini Manage™ for Workday

拉斯維加斯--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 全球端對端企業軟體支援及創新解決方案供應商,Oracle、SAP和VMware軟體的領先支援服務協力廠商Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) 今天宣布成為Workday應用程式管理服務(AMS)合作夥伴,並立即上線Rimini Manage™ for Workday服務。 無縫Workday作業,提升業務成果 Rimini Manage for Workday讓Workday Financial Management、Workday Human Capital Management (HCM)和Workday Adaptive Planning的日常運作更加順暢,幫助企業更有效地營運業務、更好地管理營運成本、提高盈利能力、實現成長並獲得更大的競爭優勢。 有了Rimini Manage for Workday,客戶的資訊科技團隊能夠更專注於實施新功能,進一步發揮其投資Workday的價值,策略性地將團隊的精力、時間和預算轉移到關鍵的創新計畫上,如企業AI、工作流和自動化等,以最大限度地發...

Paycom Earns Most Trustworthy Company in America Award for Fourth Consecutive Year

OKLAHOMA CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Paycom was named one of the Most Trustworthy Companies in America 2025 by Newsweek....

Domo and HCVue Transform HR Insights and Accelerate Workforce Strategies with Data and AI

SILICON SLOPES, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, Domo (Nasdaq: DOMO) announced its partnership with Human Capital Vue (HCVue), a leading provider of human capital management data solutions and a key partner with UKG, a leading provider of HR, payroll, workforce management, and culture solutions. HCVue is leveraging Domo’s data products and AI platform to equip HR professionals with quick, actionable insights and integrated reporting tools, helping HR teams securely consolidate data from multiple s...

GEICO Expands in North Texas with Second Office; Adding More Than 1,000 New Jobs

RICHARDSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GEICO announced the addition of more than 1,000 new jobs in North Texas today as part of a major expansion that includes opening a second building in Richardson. This announcement comes just three months after GEICO revealed plans to add 500 jobs, bringing more than 1,500 new jobs to the local area. This significant growth comes as a direct result of the exceptional talent GEICO continues to attract in North Texas, fueling the company’s expansion across multi...

ComPsych Data Shows Skyrocketing Demand for Manager Trainings on Mental Health and Well-Being Topics

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ComPsych data shows a dramatic increase in interest for management training on employee mental health and well-being topics....

3Play Media Launches Global Linguist Marketplace and AI-Enabled Language Solutions for Video, Positioning Businesses for European Accessibility Act Compliance

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--3Play Media, the industry leader in media accessibility solutions, today announced the launch of its global linguist marketplace along with its cutting-edge, AI-Enabled accessibility and localization solutions for video-forward businesses across media & entertainment and enterprise. This timely release comes as the European Accessibility Act (EAA) is set to take effect in June 2025, placing 3Play Media at the forefront of helping organizations meet new captioning an...

Rimini Street Launches Rimini Manage™ for Workday

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support and innovation solutions, and the leading third-party support provider for Oracle, SAP and VMware software, today announced that it is now a Workday Application Management Services (AMS) Partner and has launched its Rimini Manage™ for Workday services with immediate availability. Seamless Workday Operations, Enhanced Business Outcomes Rimini Manage for Workday facilitates...