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Oceaneering Announces Dates for First Quarter 2025 Earnings Release and Conference Call
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oceaneering Announces Dates for First Quarter 2025 Earnings Release and Conference Call; April 23 and April 24, respectively....
Samenvatting: Type One Energy publiceert eerste realistische, uniforme ontwerpbasis voor kernfusiecentrale
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Type One Energy heeft vandaag de publicatie aangekondigd van 's werelds eerste uitgebreide, zelfconsistente en robuuste fysicabasis, met conservatieve ontwerpmarges, voor een praktische testfusiecentrale. Deze fysicabasis wordt gepresenteerd in een serie van zeven door vakgenoten beoordeelde wetenschappelijke artikelen in een speciale uitgave van het prestigieuze Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP). Ze vormen de basis voor het eerste Infinity Two-stellarator-fusie...
Riassunto: Type One Energy pubblica le basi della progettazione della prima centrale elettrica basata su una tecnologia di fusione unificata e realistica
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Type One Energy oggi ha annunciato la pubblicazione delle prime basi di fisica al mondo complete, coerenti internamente e affidabili, con margini di progettazione prudenti, per la realizzazione di una centrale elettrica pilota basata sulla fusione. Queste basi di fisica vengono presentate in una serie di articoli scientifici sottoposti a peer review che compaiono in un’edizione speciale della prestigiosa rivista Plasma Physics (JPP) e servono da piattaform...
Type One Energy propose la première base de conception réaliste et unifiée d'une centrale à fusion
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Type One Energy a annoncé aujourd'hui la publication de la première base physique complète, cohérente et robuste au monde, avec des marges de conception conservatrices, pour une centrale pilote de fusion pratique. Cette base physique est présentée dans une série de sept articles scientifiques évalués par des pairs dans un numéro spécial du prestigieux Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP). Ils constituent la fondation du projet de la première centrale de fusion stel...
Type One Energy apresenta a primeira base realista e unificada de um projeto de usina de fusão
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A Type One Energy anunciou hoje a publicação da primeira base física abrangente, autoconsistente e robusta do mundo, com margens de projeto conservadoras, para uma usina-piloto de energia de fusão prática. Essa base física é apresentada em uma série de sete artigos científicos revisados por pares em uma edição especial do prestigiado Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP). Esses artigos servem como base para o primeiro projeto de usina de energia de stellarator I...
Type One Energy gibt erste realistische, einheitliche Fusionskraftwerks-Entwurfsgrundlage heraus
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Type One Energy gab heute die Veröffentlichung der weltweit ersten umfassenden, in sich schlüssigen und robusten physikalischen Grundlage mit konservativen Entwurfsspannen für ein praktisches Fusions-Pilotkraftwerk bekannt. Diese physikalische Grundlage wird in einer Reihe von sieben von Experten begutachteten wissenschaftlichen Artikeln in einer Sonderausgabe des renommierten Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP) vorgestellt. Sie dienen als Grundlage für das erste...
Argan, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2025 Results
ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) (“Argan” or the “Company”) today announces financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended January 31, 2025. The Company will host an investor conference call today, March 27, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET. Consolidated Financial Highlights ($ in thousands, except per share data) January 31, For the Quarter Ended: 2025 2024 Change Revenues $ 232,474 $ 164,554 $ 67,920 Gross profit 47,613 23,633 ...
Lumentum to Showcase Cutting-Edge Optical Innovations for Cloud, AI, and Networking Infrastructure at OFC 2025
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lumentum Holdings Inc. ("Lumentum"), a global leader in optical and photonic solutions for the cloud and networking markets, will unveil its latest innovations in optical networking at the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) 2025, March 30–April 3 in San Francisco. At booth #2119, Lumentum will present advancements in high-speed data interconnect products and technologies, optical circuit switching (OCS), high-power pump lasers, and ne...
McGrath First Quarter Earnings and Conference Call Scheduled for April 24, 2025
LIVERMORE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--McGrath RentCorp (“McGrath” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: MGRC), a leading business-to-business rental company in North America, today announced plans to release financial results for its first quarter ending March 31, 2025, after the close of regular market trading on Thursday, April 24, 2025. McGrath RentCorp will host a conference call at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (2:00 p.m. Pacific Time) on April 24, 2025, to discuss the results. The conference call may be acce...
PPG names recipients of 2024 Excellent Supplier Award
PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PPG (NYSE: PPG) today announced six recipients of its 2024 Excellent Supplier Award. The annual award recognizes suppliers whose performance has consistently exceeded requirements based on commercial value, delivery, documentation, quality, value add, compliance, innovation, responsiveness, service and sustainability. Five companies were recognized in the competitive advantage and value category for their efforts to create value, generate savings and establish a com...