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Aptar Named One of Barron’s 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies for the Seventh Consecutive Year

CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aptar Named One of Barron’s 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies for the Seventh Consecutive Year...

Ulta Beauty to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conference

BOLINGBROOK, Il.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ulta Beauty to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conference...

IFF and Kemira Form Joint Venture To Produce Sustainable Biobased Materials at Scale

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IFF (NYSE:IFF) and Kemira announced the formation of Alpha Bio, a joint venture aimed at commercial-scale production of renewable biobased materials. With an investment of approximately €130 million, the Alpha Bio facility will start production in late 2027, converting up to 44,000 MT of plant sugars to bioproducts, including high-performance biopolymers for use in various applications, such as home and personal care and industrial solutions. Alpha Bio’s production wi...

Kao als einziges asiatisches Unternehmen zum 19. Mal in Folge auf der Liste der World’s Most Ethical Companies®

TOKIO & DARMSTADT, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kao Corporation, ein führender Hersteller von Körperpflege- und Kosmetikprodukten sowie Haushaltsprodukten und Spezialchemikalien, wurde als eine der World's Most Ethical Companies® 2025 ausgezeichnet. Der Titel wird von dem Ethisphere Institut verliehen, einer weltweit führenden Organisation zur Definition und Förderung ethischer Geschäftspraktiken. Die Liste der World's Most Ethical Companies® ehrt Unternehmen, die sich durch Transparenz, Integritä...

Kao is the Only Asian Company Recognized as One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® for 19th Consecutive Year

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kao Corporation (TOKYO:4452), a leading manufacturer of personal care and household products, cosmetics and specialty chemicals, has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® 2025 by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. The World’s Most Ethical Companies® list honors companies excelling in transparency, integrity, ethics, and compliance. Kao is one of only six companies worldwide and the only Asian...

GLAM4GOOD Pop-Up Maintains LA Wildfire Relief Momentum, Distributing $4.6 Million in Clothing, Self-Care Essentials & Services: “This is a Critical Moment,” Says Founder

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GLAM4GOOD, an innovative nonprofit founded by Mary Alice Stephenson, hosted its free Pop-Up Shop in downtown Los Angeles earlier this month, offering a new wave of support to the victims of January’s devastating wildfires. The event took place on March 7th, 8th (International Women's Day) and 9th, uniting over a dozen community partners and welcoming in thousands of recipients to receive nearly 90,000 items of essential clothing and self-care products—totaling over...

UL Solutions啟用零售與消費品寧波實驗室,協助製造商提升產品品質與安全

美國伊利諾州諾斯布魯克--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 安全科學領域的全球專家UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) 宣布在中國寧波啟用全新的零售與消費品實驗室。該實驗室旨在滿足零售與消費品產業快速變化的需求,這些需求體現在消費者期望的改變、採購策略的調整、法規符合性的要求以及對永續創新產品的需求等方面。 新實驗室選址寧波,策略位置優越,毗鄰UL Solutions現有的上海實驗室。這座占地1,630坪的實驗室為大中華區的製造商提供更高效、更快速以及在地化的專業技術支援。該實驗室擴大了UL Solutions在長江三角洲地區的布局,長江三角洲是大陸首屈一指的零售與消費品製造中心,且該實驗室與上海現有的實驗室距離較近。 UL Solutions總裁暨執行長Jennifer Scanlon表示:「今天我們寧波新實驗室的啟用,彰顯了我們致力於零售業安全與卓越的承諾。我們在這裡的投資證明我們正不斷提升自身能力、專業技術、以及基礎設施,以協助零售商成為今日與未來的贏家。」 寧波實驗室為紡織品、鞋類、家具和電子產品包裝提供全面性的安全、品質、性能和化學測試一站式...

UL Solutions启用零售与消费品宁波实验室,助力制造商提升产品质量与安全

伊利诺伊州诺斯布鲁克--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 全球应用安全科学专家UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS)宣布在中国宁波启用全新的零售与消费品实验室。该实验室旨在满足零售与消费品行业快速变化的需求,这些需求体现在消费者期望的改变、采购策略的调整、法规遵守的要求以及对可持续创新产品的需求等方面。 新实验室选址宁波,战略位置优越,毗邻UL Solutions现有的上海实验室。这座占地5,400平方米的实验室为大中华区的制造商提供了更高的效率、更快的响应速度以及本地化的专业技术支持。该实验室扩大了UL Solutions在长江三角洲地区的布局,长江三角洲是零售与消费品制造中心,且该实验室与上海实验室距离较近。 UL Solutions总裁兼首席执行官Jennifer Scanlon表示:“今天宁波新实验室的启用,彰显了我们致力于零售行业安全与卓越的承诺。我们在这里的投资证明了我们正不断提升自身能力、专业技术和基础设施,以助力零售商在当下及未来取得成功。” 宁波实验室为纺织品、鞋类、家具,电子产品和包装提供全面的安全、质量、性能和化学测试一站式服务,有...

Mannatech Reports Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results

FLOWER MOUND, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mannatech, Incorporated (NASDAQ: MTEX), a global health and wellness company committed to transforming lives to make a better world, today announced financial results for its fourth quarter of 2024. Quarter End Results Fourth quarter net sales for 2024 were $29.0 million, a decrease of $3.7 million, or 11.3%, as compared to $32.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. During the fourth quarter, the company's net sales declined 9.2% on a Constant dollar basi...

Henkel Capital S.A. de C.V. Recalls Tec Italy Totale Shampoo Due to Potential Health Risk

ROCKY HILL, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Henkel Capital S.A. de C.V. (“Henkel”) of Mexico is voluntarily recalling 1,068 units of its Tec Italy Shampoo Totale, as the product has the potential to be contaminated with Klebsiella oxytoca. Exposure to these bacteria can cause infections in humans, including infection in the eyes, nose and skin, with additional reactions for consumers with immune-compromised conditions. The shampoo was distributed in the United States through distributors in New York an...