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Clinical Trials

Kairos Pharma Ltd. Highlights Participation in Recent and Upcoming Scientific and Industry Events

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kairos Pharma, Ltd. (NYSE American: KAPA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, highlights activity at recent scientific conferences and announces participation in future events. Highlights include: March 12, 2025 – Presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Spring Scientific Meeting titled, “Novel GITR Agonist KROS 101: A Dual Approach to Boost T Cell Immunity and Alter the Tumor Microenvironment” March 17 to 19 – Participated in the BIO Europe co...

Lantern Pharma Provides Business Updates and Fourth Quarter & Year-End 2024 Financial Results

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lantern Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRN), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company leveraging its proprietary RADR® artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platform to transform the cost, pace, and timeline of oncology drug discovery and development, today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024, and provided an update on its portfolio of AI-driven drug candidates, the RADR® platform for precision oncology drug...

Riassunto: Curatis: registrata una crescita delle vendite del 30% nella distribuzione, assieme a una notevole espansione del gruppo target di pazienti per il progetto principale C-PTBE-01

LIESTAL, Svizzera--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Curatis Holding AG (SIX:CURN, "Curatis") comunica un fatturato di 6,9 milioni di CHF per il 2024, in cui Curatis AG è inclusa solo per un periodo di 8 mesi. Curatis AG è stata in grado di aumentare le vendite dell'attività di distribuzione del 30%, raggiungendo 9,5 milioni di CHF nell'intero anno 2024 rispetto al 2023. Ulteriori dichiarazioni chiave: Curatis sta aumentando di 20 volte la stima del numero di pazienti trattati nell'ambito del progetto principal...

Merck’s Investigational Subcutaneous Pembrolizumab With Berahyaluronidase Alfa Demonstrates Noninferior Pharmacokinetics Compared to Intravenous (IV) KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in Pivotal 3475A-D77 Trial

RAHWAY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada, today announced the first data presentation from the pivotal 3475A-D77 Phase 3 trial, evaluating the subcutaneous administration of pembrolizumab, together with berahyaluronidase alfa (MK-3475A; from now on referred to as “subcutaneous pembrolizumab”). Berahyaluronidase alfa is a variant of human hyaluronidase developed and manufactured by Alteogen Inc. These results are being presented today...

Resumen: Protembis anuncia la formación de un nuevo Consejo Consultivo Científico compuesto por expertos en cardiopatía estructural de renombre mundial

AACHEN, Alemania--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Protembis, empresa privada emergente dedicada a dispositivos médicos cardiovasculares, ha anunciado hoy la creación de un Consejo Científico Asesor (SAB) que proporcionará asesoramiento objetivo y contribuirá a los planes estratégicos de la empresa. En concreto, el CCC aportará orientación estratégica científica y clínica, asesorará sobre y oportunidades emergentes y tendencias, y proporcionará asesoramiento experto sobre asuntos científicos y clínicos. El Con...

Harrow To Report Fourth Quarter and Audited Year-End 2024 Financial Results After Market Close on March 27, 2025

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Harrow (Nasdaq: HROW), a leading North American eyecare pharmaceutical company, today announced that it will report its fourth quarter and audited financial results for the year ended December 31, 2024, on Thursday, March 27, 2025, after the market close. The Company will also post its fourth quarter Letter to Stockholders to the “Investors” section of its website, Harrow will host a conference call and live webcast at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Fri...

Lightship Appoints Michael Shipton as Chief Commercial Officer to Accelerate Growth and Market Leadership

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lightship Inc., a leading provider of community-based, decentralized clinical trial services, is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Shipton as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). With a proven track record of driving growth and innovation in the life sciences and technology sectors, Shipton will play a key role in reshaping Lightship’s go-to-market strategy and strengthening its ability to meet the growing complexity of representative clinical trials...


雪梨--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 國際知名的全方位受託研究機構 (CRO) 及科學諮詢公司Novotech發佈新的臨床前研究報告,深入探討小分子干擾RNA (siRNA) 治療領域的發展態勢。本報告透過深度洞察,旨在幫助生物技術與製藥企業運用RNA精準醫學技術,開拓新一代腫瘤學、代謝疾病及罕見遺傳疾病治療方案的新篇章。 挖掘siRNA在藥物研發中的潛力 siRNA療法透過精準沉默致病基因,為標靶藥物開發帶來了典範轉移。美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 核准了包括ONPATTRO™ (Patisiran) 和Inclisiran在內的多款siRNA藥物,該領域在遞送平台、穩定性及組織特異性標靶方面取得了快速進展。Novotech的報告概述當前的研發態勢與監管環境,並著重闡述siRNA技術如何擴展可成藥基因組,突破昔日的難成藥標靶問題。 主要重點: 臨床與監管情況:概述六種已獲FDA核准的siRNA療法,及其在心血管、肝臟及罕見遺傳疾病領域的適應症擴展情況。 siRNA遞送技術的進展:探討脂質奈米粒子 (LNPs)、GalNAc複合體和聚合物奈米粒子等創新突破,...


悉尼--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 国际知名的全方位临床研究组织(CRO)及科学咨询公司Novotech(诺为泰)发布新的临床前研究报告,深入探讨了小干扰RNA (siRNA) 治疗领域的发展态势。本报告通过深度洞察,旨在帮助生物技术与制药企业依托RNA精准医学技术,开拓新一代肿瘤学、代谢疾病及罕见遗传病治疗方案的新篇章。 挖掘siRNA在药物研发中的潜力 siRNA疗法通过精准沉默致病基因,为靶向药物开发带来了范式转变。美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 批准了包括ONPATTRO™(帕蒂西兰)和英克司兰在内的多款siRNA药物,该领域在递送平台、稳定性及组织特异性靶向方面取得了快速进展。诺为泰的报告梳理了当前的研发态势与监管环境,并着重阐述了了siRNA技术如何扩展可成药基因组,突破昔日的难成药靶点问题。 主要亮点: 临床与监管情况:概述了六种已获FDA批准的siRNA疗法,及其在心血管、肝脏及罕见遗传病领域的适应症扩展情况。 siRNA递送技术的进展:探讨了脂质纳米颗粒 (LNPs)、GalNAc偶联物和聚合物纳米颗粒等创新突破,如何提升组织靶向递送效...

Novotech Report Reveals Growth in siRNA Research: Over 150 Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials Conducted from 2020 to 2024

SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Novotech, a top global clinical trial provider, partners with biotech and pharma to speed siRNA therapeutic development....