
My Child & ADDICTION: Parent-to-Parent Podcast Nears 250,000 Downloads As Families Seek Support in Growing Addiction Epidemic

Caron Treatment Centers’ CEO John Driscoll Joins the Parent Support Group in Newest Episode to Discuss “Hope”

WERNERSVILLE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Parents whose children struggle with substance use disorder and other mental health conditions are finding peer support from the My Child & ADDICTION: Parent-to-Parent Podcast from fellow travelers - other mothers, fathers and caregivers - who understand the cycle of fear, worry and hope that comes with the disease of addiction. Created as a virtual parent support group meeting, the My Child & ADDICTION series has become one of the most popular parenting podcasts as the Addiction Epidemic worsens. As it approaches the milestone of 250,000 downloads, the most recent parent support group meeting addresses the subject of “Hope,” seeking to remain hopeful during the toughest times for families.

“Addiction is a family disease that impacts more than one in three families,” said John Driscoll, President and CEO of Caron Treatment Centers, a leading, internationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to transforming lives of individuals and families through addiction and behavioral healthcare treatment, research, prevention and addiction medicine education. Driscoll joined the recent meeting of mothers and fathers noting, “Many parents and caregivers struggle with this disease alone with feelings of shame and fear. They are in desperate need of support and hope – and that’s the amazing gift of the My Child & ADDICTION podcast – the fellowship and the hope.”

The ground-breaking My Child & ADDICTION podcast features a rotating group of parents, some in recovery themselves, with adolescent to adult children who gather each month for a parent support group meeting, sharing compassion and love as they address the most painful issues for parents trying to better understand their child’s disease and treatment, along with their own personal journey of recovery. With more than 60 episodes available, the brave, candid and always heartfelt topics discussed in the podcast include, “Why Me? Why Us,” “Forgiveness” and “Trauma & Drama,” focusing on the resilience of the participating parents. The parents also welcome a rotating group of treatment professionals who join the conversation to offer clinical perspectives and educational support. Each meeting is followed by a brief companion Q&A session with the guest, which is also posted.

In a recent email a My Child & ADDICTION listener wrote, “I am and will forever be grateful to each of you for unknowingly supporting and helping this parent better understand and appreciate not only the scope and depth of this disease, but also at least some of the potential value/benefit and self-healing to be realized from simply talking openly about one’s own experiences.”

The podcast was developed by three fathers: Steve, Stephen and Jay. While managing the challenges of parenting their own children, these "Three Papas" seek to help other parents feeling frightened, alone and more isolated than ever. My Child & ADDICTION offers an audible meeting of parents gathered in a safe, judgment-free space for shared experiences and loving support as they cope with the family disease of addiction.

“I was told my kid was sick and needed treatment, and so did the rest of my family,” explained Steve, a My Child & ADDICTION creator. “I wanted him to get better and didn’t know what to do. My parent support group provided me an education in addiction and recovery, and just hearing other parents share their stories eased my anxiety. I hope this podcast is another valuable resource for parental survival.”

“The brave parents participating in the My Child & ADDICTION podcast have created an incredible community through their open discussions, providing a vital resource for other parents to know they’re not alone, that they too can get through this,” said Driscoll.

My Child & Addiction: Parent-to-Parent Podcast is available for download from Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most other platforms.

About My Child & ADDICTION

My Child & ADDICTION: Parent-to-Parent Podcast was conceived and developed by three fathers of children with substance use disorders. Joined by several other Parent Support Group participants, their hope is that by sharing their stories, other parents and family members are offered encouragement and heartfelt support as they travel the challenging journey together.

To listen, visit: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-child-addiction/id1233772510

Caron Treatment Centers

Caron Treatment Centers is an internationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to transforming lives through addiction and behavioral healthcare treatment, research, prevention and addiction medicine education. During our almost 70 years Caron has helped thousands of individuals struggling with behavioral health issues, including substance use disorder, begin to manage these brain diseases and find hope. Anchored by two medical centers on our Pennsylvania and Florida campuses and headquartered in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, Caron provides a comprehensive continuum of care that includes medical stabilization and detoxification, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs, as well as Recovery support, family and alumni services. Caron also provides concierge signature treatment for executives, healthcare professionals and older adults and offers Neurorestorative Health Care at our Keele Medical Center in Palm Beach County, Fl. In addition to our Pennsylvania and Florida campuses, Caron provides services in Wyomissing, Pa, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, and New York City. Caron accepts several major insurance plans and provides financial assistance for those who qualify. For more information, please visit caron.org or @CaronTreatment.


Kristin Campbell-Salamone
Corporate Director of PR & Communications, Caron Treatment Centers

Katie Kennedy
Senior Vice President, Gregory FCA

Caron Treatment Centers

Release Summary
My Child & ADDICTION: Parent-to-Parent Podcast Nears 250,000 Downloads As Families Seek Support in Growing Addiction Epidemic
Release Versions


Kristin Campbell-Salamone
Corporate Director of PR & Communications, Caron Treatment Centers

Katie Kennedy
Senior Vice President, Gregory FCA

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